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Everything posted by JESUSfreak

  1. That's What You Get will be unleashed on MTV2 next Monday!!!!! A few people from the LJ community saw a commercial.
  2. It's official TWYG will be unleashed on MTV2 next Monday. Someone from the LJ com saw a commercial on MTV2
  3. Voted 30 times. It took me forever but I have no life so I didn't have anything better to do
  4. What they dont have it right next door to hell (that's probably getting old to you isn't it.) Anyway it's like Guitar Hero only it has a mic and drums too
  5. yea they are I got mine 2day, Hot Topic was PACKED!!! I could barely walk through the store
  6. I am definately gunna buy the buttons, but ill probably wait to get a hoodie at the concert, maybe they'll have a new one on tour
  7. I like the hoodie ok but I wich it said Paramore on it somewhere, and I wish they didn't start selling it when summers about to be here, because I live in TX and it get ho here pretty darn quick. I love the buttons though Ill probably end up getting those
  8. Hey everybody, there is a new button pack at Hot Topic Hot Topic Buttons Also there is a new Hoodie on the FBR store FBR Hoodie One last thing, I don't know if any of you have heard of the band Stellar Kart, or the tv station TVU, but Stellar Kart was just on TVU, and their drummer was wearing a Paramore Shirt
  9. It's actually 40 w/ shipping, and I think it's like 50 for Non- US ppl
  10. Why on that tour did Jeremy sit down alot, you can see him in the background and he's sitting down in alot of other pics from that tour
  11. JESUSfreak


    why yes it is JESUSfreak hello SISTER
  12. how many of each do u have cause i kinda want 2 of each if u have enough and ill give some of the ones i have and pay for one too whatever way u want to do it Edit hey ill talk more about it later i g2g
  13. can some post this on Photobucket cause my internet won't let view anything from the site that pics posted on
  14. Sorry to bother anybody but can some one put this on Photobucket because my STUPID internet won't let me view any pics from the site the that pic is posted on
  15. what do the ones u have look ill definatley trade cause i want a bunch of different para posters for my para wall *Edit here's what they look like. I can only give away a one because my mom doesn't like me sending stuff to random people and i have to save some to hand out at the concert im going to folded all the way front and back Half way folded Unfolded
  16. Here you go, if you don't like them that's alright it won't hurt my feelings 1 2 and i made another one with the pictures of your last request
  17. [ mood | hopeful ] [ music | mewithoutYou ] hello everyone... since we posted the last entry, we've gotten tons of phone calls and people posting things on websites saying that we are breaking up. i just want to make it clear, though, that by posting two nights ago we weren't saying the band was over. we posted because we are going through hard times and we felt that because we have a really good support system in you guys, our fans, it would be better for us to just be honest about what's going on - even though, it was a pretty vague explanation. man, some of the rumors that i've heard going around are insane! it's weird how out of hand things can get even when you just try to tell a simple truth. (for the record, my eggo is not preggo). anyway, we just need to take time to make this band the best it can be... and we are doing that now. thank you for all the love and the encouragement you guys have shown. and WE WILL! be seeing you guys on the 27th of March in Orlando, FL
  18. i got the new promo posters from the street team thier cool it's one of the pics from the Ryan Russel shoot ill post pics tomarrow
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