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secret keeper

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Everything posted by secret keeper

  1. I think I might have a crush on someone here. Yeah, not a prank. Urgh, I'm normally so against online crushes unless they know they're defo gonna meet. :/
  2. was that directed at me? if so, why? im in love i cant help it.
  3. I want a boyfriend so badly. It's turning into a desperation and it makes me feel bad. It's like, guys don't like me. And it makes me feel disgusting and terrible about myself. I'm just...Disgusting. I'm extremely overweight and I'm pretty sure that's why guys don't like me. Everyday I think to myself that there isn't someone out there for me.
  4. ok so theres this girl (how cliche...i know) i mat her back in june and i liked her from day one. now its six months later and since then a lot of things have happened. We became pretty close towards the end of the summer and i eventually told her how i felt. At first she said she only could see me as a friend but later admitted she liked me too. It was the first time i've ever told anyone how i felt and i was ecstatic to know she felt the same way. But a week later i messed things up real bad and she doesnt feel that way anymore. I apologized to her and everything and i've never meant an apology more in my life. she really didnt accept my apology though. We're still friends but we're not as close as before, She likes another guy and its killing me. I need to know how to win her back.
  5. totally agree. i feel so relieved to see that there are other people who know how i feel, thank you:hug:
  6. I've got a boner looking at a certain boys profile pix here.
  7. i think its time i come clean aswel i like some1 on thse boards aswel and it saddns me tht sooo many othr ppl do aswel cuz i do think he is the1 for me bt maybe now he wnt notice me
  8. I've been spurred on to spill my own secret. I have a crush on some1 on these boards. He is the1 for me....
  9. I have a really big crush on "the1" even though I don't even know him except from the boards. He's such a smartass and I love it I might someday get the courage to tell him... But until then, it'll just have to stay anonymous in this thread. And I'm sorry if I embarassed you.
  10. I'm sick to fucking death of Twilight. Okay, sure, it's a great book. Maybe it's a great film, but this is a Paramore site. PARAMORE. Paramore did 2 songs for the film, that doesn't mean everywhrre IA GOW I haveto look at thetz hideous Robert dude. Srsly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. mmkay, just wanted to say that i'm really fucking sick of a certain member on here posting about paramore in a mean way. i mean, i get that this person has probably grown out of Paramore, and that's fair enough (i'm sure, we'll all be sick of them one day). And yes, I'm aware that this person has probably made great friends on here, and that's why they stay..but seriously, this persons comments annoy the hell out of me, they're unessisary for a paramore FAN SITE. bleeeh, sorry. but i'm fucking pissed off at everything and everyone at the moment.
  12. I think Hayley looks like a man in the new kerrang photoshoot. I won't liee I think she look gorgeosu sometimes but others, no.
  13. I try not to let it affect me and most of the time i seem pretty happy, i guess i hide it well and i do know this is a waste of time but that still doesnt take away my feelings. And yeah there could be other opportunities out there right now but every girl i've met since then i cant help but compare them to her and no one measures up. I think if i could just get some straight answers from her about everything it would help but im too afraid to bring all this stuff up again.
  14. maybe it's possible!! sometimes i feel the same, and wonder if i'm bi, cuz i never really fell in love with a guy
  15. I have a MASSIVE obsession with this girl. I think she's gorgeous, funny, sexy, intelligent, I just adore her. Thing is I'm almost positive I'm straight as she's the only girl I like, is it possible to be in love with someone of the same sex yet still be straight? I'm confused.
  16. i know, all my friends say the same thing but its already been a month and nothing has changed. i dont know how to let it go. Shes perfect in my eyes and i almost had her you know? I know im sounding stupid and all and maybe even seem a little pathetic but when it comes down to it, the truth is i think im in love and thats just not easy getting over.
  17. ok, well i highly doubt anyone will remember the last thing i posted but it was about a girl i liked who was a freshmen and im a senior and i was afraid to tell her etc. This was a long time ago and since then things have been so weird. i eventually did tell her i liked her and she said she only saw me as a friend, i didnt like it but i accepted and we were still friends then a week later after some stuff happened between her and this other guy (nothing major but it bugged me) and she seen it was bugging me and outta nowhere the next day apologizes and says she did like me but was afraid to admit it, i said we should wait and see what happens cause i didnt wanna start something and have it end a week later. Anyway, we ended going to a party together the following friday and i made a big mistake by kissing another girl right in front of her, idk why i did it and i feel horrible about it. She didnt seem bothered by it and i didnt wanna talk about it in front of people so i left it alone. We eventually did talk about it a few days later and she told me that it didnt change anything but told me she didnt like me anymore and she was talking to the guy i mentioned above now. the weird thing is she told her sister that the main reason why she didnt like me anymore was because of what i did at the party, it confuses me and i wish she couldve just told me that herself. this all happened about a month ago and i cant get over it, i still like her just as much as i did and it kills me, idk what to do. any advice?
  18. i feel like everyone hates me and talks behind my back:(
  19. I always feel inferior to my older brother. Mom and dad always go out of their way to go to his award shows cause he's the smart one but what do they do for me? They bring me home at 11:30pm from one of my brothers many award shows and this is the night before my important final exam. I hate being second best in my own house. I mean, I may not be smart but I need some attention too. I just sometimes wish it were me getting all the awards...
  20. I'm sick of being me. I let off little parts of my annoyance at life but I don't want to moan as when I look at other people I just seem pathetic, annoying and petty. There's so many things I could say to so many people that apparently "care". But they sure as heck wouldn't when I'm finished. I can't bare to look in the mirror, I hate everything about my appearance. The one thing I had going for me was being slim and I even get called things for having no boobs hardly. I feel I have no true friends, I had about five close ones I met on another forum and now I barely talk to them and it's hurts, I need them. My school friends don't give a fuck. Half the school want me dead. I feel so alone here. My family dislike me extremely. I'm the worst girl of all time, it's impossible to make myself look half-decent. All I think about is the people in my fave bands and how i wish I lived their lives. I'm thick as pig shit. Got no talent. I thought self harm might make me feel better but I'm even too afraid to do more than a couple scratches, I'm utterly pathetic and I'm sick of it. I put on this big show I'm happy but little do people know I cry myself to sleep almost every night, that I avoid my reflection and that I judge every single person (both sexes) I pass because I wish I had their hair/their figure/their nose etc.. I just want to scream.
  21. should i pm you via secret keeper or my username?
  22. i am going to be 16 in a few days and i am still prude. only one of my friends know. i feel weird talking about it with other people and i never find it a big deal until everyone is like "o.m.g. i can't believe she was just de-pruded." :/
  23. Ok, So Im Seriously Considering Becoming Bulimic. I Have Been Tempted To Get Food All Day, But I Just Feel Like Throwing Up Whenever I See It. Whenever Its Inside Me, I Have The Urge To Throw It Up Then Aswell. I Had To Let That Out..
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