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Rogue Ninja

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Everything posted by Rogue Ninja

  1. I bookmarked the parody and shall check it out. As for the BK thing, happened to my best friend. She hates BK now. And Yoda rocks! \m/ You're new, huh? Welcome to the boards and to my lonely thread. XD
  2. jeans, black and blew collared shirt, tied at the bottom to show my stomach
  3. Neil: ...... I think I'm good for tomorrow, maybe 7ish dinner and I follow you up? Me: sounds great Neil: Good good.... that way I can capitalize on the daytime and unwind w/ you Me: good plan. i'll see how much of 1984 i can hack away Neil: *Nods* .... Aye.... together we should kick some serious behind tomorrow Me: yes! *whips out lightsaber* Neil: In-deedy ....... lots of reading and such Me: aw... *puts away light saber* Neil: Aye.... perhaps later Padawan.... Me: whoa, Master and Padawan. Isn't that against the code? Neil: ..... Neil: Oh yeah Neil: Guess its over b/w us then Neil: Me: yeah.... over.... *coughcough*meetmeonthebalcany*coughcough* Neil: *Cough* ... Gotcha! *Cough*
  4. I saw it somewhere, too, but I already knew that they weren't so I didn't think much of it. Misinformation is a pain, huh?
  5. I like that one song, Rush.
  6. All right. You saying that the boards weren't enjoyable any more made me think you weren't happy with the way the forum is. But either way, I can leave the topic alone.
  7. I inspired myself to make a Star Wars post. Don't worry, I'll make sure it covers everything about Star Wars. Tell me your favorite moive, character, book if you read them, parody, and spin-off. Then we can talk about them. Also share any wacky Star Wars related storiesHere are mine. Movie: Episode VI Return of the Jedi Character: Han Solo Book: I've only read one. I can't remember what it was called, but it took place between Episodes I and II. Anakin made his first kill, and without a light saber. Parody: Either the Powerpuff Girls (It's a Giant Disco Ball!!!!) or Rugrats (Tommy, I am your cousin. NOOOOOO!!!!!!). Spin Off: I loved those ewoks movies and cartoons. Good stuff. Wacky story: my boyfriend is the president of the Jedi Council (Star Wars club) at UCLA. Two of the memebrs of the club either had admin powers or hacked into the club's facebook page, and they overthrew him and took away his admin powers. He. Was. PISSED. I was having dinner with him in the dining hall and they came over with a laptop to show him that they were going to change it back, but then they got scared that if they give him his powers back, he'd use it to delete them from the facebook group. He said he wouldn't, they siad he would, and it went back and forth for most of dinner until I stepped in. I told them to go ahead and change it back, and if he did anything that they dindt' like,t ehy should let me know and I'd take care of it. They agreed and changed it back. Yeah, like I'd do them any favors after they ruined dinner. But I don't think he'll do anything to them, anyway. Your turn!
  8. Because you don't expect feed back in the "What are you wearing" thread.
  9. Well starting a topic is always a risk. You never know what kind of response you'll get. Should we go through the other music section and delete all the posts for artists that got one or two responses?
  10. It's a college (and now high school ) networking site.
  11. This isn't about posts on the same topic. It's about posts on different topics. Let's have an example. Say there's a Star Wars thread, and someone says "no, you have to post in the science fiction thread." If you want to talk about Star Wars, you don't want to click through a big long thread about Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, and Galaxy Quest to do it. If there are two Star Wars threads and you close the repeat, that's a different story. Also, I don't see the boards as any more spammed or any less enjoyable than when I joined.
  12. I believe I've only heard one song.
  13. I like.... two songs.
  14. Sakura t-shirt, forehead protector, capris
  15. I'm not saying not to say it. I say it. I say lame. I'm just making a point.
  16. adj 1: lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity Stupidity as in insult is what you said, but stupidity is actually alck of intelligence, something you don't decided to have. So it jsut comees down to how you use it, like gay and lame. It has an actual menaing, and it doubles as an insult.
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