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Everything posted by STOPthissong!

  1. dark blue skinnyish jeans grey, black and pink striped sweater
  2. I confess my cat is sitting right in front of the laptop screen...
  3. Hey, welcome! I'm Becca
  4. I confess I'm not really feeling christmassy yet.
  5. Dear friend, You talk so cheesy, you make me want to gag. Talk like a normal person and stop trying to be everyones best friend! Becca
  6. I confess I'll have to make the most of tomorrow as it's the last day I'm going to get to myself for the rest of the holidays.
  7. I confess there needs to be more ps3 games for teenage girls.
  8. How many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally? Well everyone to a certain extent. It depends on how they go about doing it. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? Who knows? When was the last time you had a conversation with your last ex? ............ Have you ever kissed someone who smokes? nope Do you cry easily? Only when I really need to. Are you excited for anything? Christmas of course! How are you feeling right now? Bored, kinda bleurgh Are you worried about anything right now? Getting all my homework done in time for school Ever gotten in a car accident? Naoope Are you afraid of getting your heart broken? yes Do you think the person whom you like will break your heart? I don't like anyone at the moment, so no. Who was the last person you texted? Rach What is something that can easily kill your mood? When my parents moan at me as soon as they come in from work. Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today? No What's the last TV show/movie you watched? Scrubs Did it rain today? No Are you mad at anyone right now? no Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? nope When was the last time something bothered you? Not sure. This survey is really boring. THAT bothers me. How was last night? okay? Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't? Nope If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go? The US of A What do you really think happened to Steve on Blue's Clues? Who the frick is that? Do you trust all of your friends? Only a select few Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower? no Will you be under the influence of alcohol today? Nope Last kiss drunk or sober? ............. Does your mom think Robert Pattinson (Twilight) is attractive? She likes Taylor Lautner more. What are your plans for the rest of the week? Getting everything ready for christmas. _____________________________________ 1. Do you believe in god or more than one god? I used to, but not anymore. 2. Have you or a sibling ever had to move out of your parents' house? I don't have any siblings. 3. What do you like best about summer? The long break from the hell hole some people call school. Oh, and also the weather althought the British weather can be pretty unpredictable these days. 4. What was the last nightmare you had about? Can't remember 5. Do you have any sex toys? Do your parents know you have them? Nope. 6. Are you a scene kid? Ha....I don't think I would pull it off somehow. XD 7. Who was the last person who called you? The last person you called? Can't remember 8. When's the last time you went to a coffee shop? What did you get? I don't go to coffee shops, I don't really like coffee that much. 9. Do you like the Japanese culture? Do you wish you were Japanese? 日本は住む非常に驚くばかりの場所である。 10. Have you ever thought you found "the one"? Nope 11. Who do you miss right now? A certain friend who lives in Australia who I never got to say goodbye to cause he was so wrapped up in his other 'friends'. 12. Have you ever tried to contact someone but couldn't reach them? Yup. 13. Do you know anyone with schizophrenia? No 14. Do you usually wear a seatbelt in the car? Always. 15. Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset? Partly 16. Have you ever had an old lady give you peppermints? No 17. When's the last time you consumed alcohol? Can't really remember to be honest. 18. What is something you've never done before that you want to try? Roll down a hill in one of those big inflatable balls. 19. Would you walk 500 miles for the one you love? Depends on the reason for me doing so 20. Do you know someone who died at a young age? Yeah 21. How do you get over break ups? Go on a rebound? Ha, I dunno. 22. Do you know anyone named Sara(h)? Yup 23. Are you friends with any of your exes? ................ 24. Ever been to Vegas? No 25. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's Phish Food 26. Have you ever had a parent tell you to behave but you didn't listen? Of course 27. What's the best party you've been to? I've been to many good parties, so I really can't choose. 28. What is your favorite candy? Haribos 29. What would you do if someone wanted a ransom for your friend? I'd give them the damn ransom. 30. Have you ever kissed a girl and liked it? Nope. 31. What is 70x7? It's a 70, followed by an x, followed by another 7. 32. Do you know anyone who's died in a hospital? Nope 33. What is your ASL? 15, Female, England 34. Has anyone wrote you a love song? Nope, maybe one day 35. Do you ever hear voices in your head? Yeah, I get peoples voices in my head especially if they're unique sounding. 36. Do you believe in karma? Dunno 37. Has there ever been a time when you seriously couldn't breathe? Breathless yeah, but I've never been able to not breathe. 38. Have you ever had your mom shine a light in your closet or under your bed to show you there weren't any monsters? Nope 39. Has anyone ever surprised you late at night? No? 40. Wouldn't it be convenient if you could breathe underwater? Yes it would 41. Who was the last person to kiss you? Gawd knows 42. The tent's so big in your pants baby. Thank you, I could say the same about you. 43. Do you like lemonade? Nope. I hate all fizzy drinks. Yes, I'm weird I know. 44. Do you hate papercuts? Yeah, they're small but oh so evil. 45. Do you like sex and drugs? Haven't done either so I can't really answer. 46. Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Nope. 47. Do you feel comfortable when you're naked? Well yeah, as long as there's no one watching me. 48. Are you so sexy, it hurts? Oh yes. 49. Would you rob a jewelry store with a gun if you could get away with it? Nah, I'm not into expensive jewelry. 50. Did you play pretend as a kid? Yeah, it's all I did.
  9. I confess I've haven't been on holiday for a week yet, and I'm bored out of my mind.
  10. waking up i like to sleep as much as possible. and stay in bed until i absolutely have to get up. but i woke up really early today and i felt surprisingly energized. i wake up at 5. i'm a morning person. it's dark when i wake up. i wake up drooling an alarm clock wakes me up. my mom or dad wakes me up. my phone wakes me up. i wake up in odd positions. i've woken up crying. i've woken up in the worst mood possible. getting ready i shower in the morning. my shower has a draft i take longass showers. i take forever in the morning. i think i take average time to get ready. i cannot function in the morning without breakfast or coffee. the first thing i do is pee. i can't leave the house without brushing my teeth. i plan what i'm going to wear ahead. i hate searching for something to wear. i could care less what i look like, its just school. i have to straighten my hair everyday. i go on the computer sometimes before, during, or after getting ready. i play music when i get ready. getting ready wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't so frickin' early. life would be easier if school started at like, 11. locker i decorate my locker. i filled it with tons of pictures of friends and family. i didn't even bother this year lol. my locker is so messy. i have papers in there i have to get rid of. i have a collection of water bottles in there. i have a water bottle in there. we don't have locks on our locker. i've had notebooks stolen from me before. those notebooks were $20. i share lockers with someone. i got a small locker this year i put books in other peoples lockers. my locker is tan. i hate wrestling books out of my locker. my locker is in a big hallway. my locker number is a palindrome. my locker number has letters in it. my locker is in the middle of two guys. homeroom my homeroom teacher has an accent. s/he can never get us to stop talking. s/he always wants us quiet during the morning announcement. i talk a lot in homeroom. i do all my homework/study in homeroom. i have math posters in my homeroom. my homeroom is in the auditorium. my homeroom teacher doesn't care what we do. my homeroom is arranged alphabetically. i have a lot of friends in my homeroom. i read in homeroom. i've known this kid in my homeroom since pre-k. i don't like someone in my homeroom. homeroom is 10 minutes. homeroom is pointless. I don't have 'homeroom' classes i don't mind my classes. i don't have my favorite class until after lunch. i hate my morning classes. my afternoon classes are easyyyy. i dread 9th period. its so boring. i'm sick of school. it's kindasorta crushing my soul. i get so many papers and essays. i drown in homework. i've had my phone taken away in class before. we can chew gum. all the desks have lots of gum under them. i've touched one before. ew. in one class, all we do is basically watch videos. one of my teachers swears by apple products. my favorite teacher is a male. my spanish teacher is nuts. one of my teachers is getting married soon. i'm failing a class. i got straight a's. lunch we have off campus lunch. our cafeteria is huge. the tables are really split by all the cliques. all the lunch ladies are old. we have a lunch guy. all the chips are diet. they don't sell soda. the pizza is in circle form. the cafeteria smells weird. i sit with my boyfriend. i don't eat lunch. i eat like a beast at lunch! soup doesn't cut it for me for lunch. i love going to wendy's for lunch. i've eaten lunch in the nurses office before. i have a double lunch!!! study hall i do all my homework in study hall, but then again who doesn't? i'm a teacher aid for my study period. we can leave for study hall. we can't leave, but i cut all the time. i sleep in study hall. i have study in the morning. we can eat in study. they hold study in the cafeteria or the library. we have to sign in. i've gotten a detention for not signing in. i have a lot of friends in this study. i'd rather have a class than a free period. i have two study periods. after school i have a job after school. lots of people from my school work at the same place. i volunteer. i walk home. i always get rides home. i go to the library. i always have practice! i always have to eat once i get home. i get high after school. i do my homework right after school. i always feel like doing surveys after school. i take bubble baths after school. me and my boyfriend hang out after school. i take a nap after school. i get really lazy after school and get right into bed. this is the best time of day. i have a piano or other type of instrument lesson after school. i have dance class after school. i watch tv after school. i hate going home after school. dinner and after dinner i cook dinner for my family. we always go out or buy outside food. i eat tv dinners for dinner. sometimes i eat alone. sometimes we watch tv during dinner. dinner is always the best. i'm never hungry for dinner. my mom is a terrible cook. i have tv shows to watch after dinner. i'm never home for dinner. i go to my room right after dinner. i help my little brother or sister with homework after dinner. i do homework after dinner. sleep i read before sleeping. i'm always on the computer before sleep. i sleep with the tv on. i sleep in complete darkness. i still need a night light. i listen to calming music to fall asleep. i can never fall asleep. if i don't sleep before 11, i feel gross. i never sleep before 2 unless i'm really tired. i'm an insomniac. i'm always tossing and turning. i always text before falling asleep. and that never really helps because i always want to see their reply. i've slept over at a friend's on a school night. i'm always tired. this is the best time of my day. __________________
  11. I confess I'm doing drama homework. Fun Fun Fun!
  12. There's always someone who just has to be a pain in the ass isn't there? haha I would have broken your back first though
  13. I confess my dad can be such an ass hole at times.
  14. I thought paramore put on a really awesome show last night, I'm so glad they played my Heart. That really made the night for me. Shame is was fucking freezing outside, I didn't even get hot while jumping around I was THAT cold. Also, I had a pretty crap view. There were so many tall people in front of me and my friends wanted to stay in one spot rather than trying to get to the front. There were these two really annoying guys in leather jackets who thought they were really hard and cool. Every 10 minutes or so they went to buy beer and then came barging their way back right in front of my view. I was standing on my toes for nearly all of the gig. I have a few photos on my facebook so you can all look at them if you like.
  15. I confess I might start homework tomorrow so I don't have a load at the end of the holidays.
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