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Everything posted by Knuuudi

  1. fits with rambo franny...wanna be my board-wife? xD But only if josh and martin aren't jelous!
  2. you see...my second name is Edward from now on! xD
  3. @Franny empty...there's no more blood inside of me! I'm a vampire! *biteing* @Dia yay!
  4. I'm fine, but got some nosebleeding today and I'm pretty tired... how 'bout you?
  5. heeeeelloooooo diiiiaaaa!!! or like they say in spain: buenos dia! :rotfl:
  6. yay, there are always some hugs for you in queue!
  7. thanks, but I don't think so... aaw...poor choclate chip!
  8. But just maybe! The only thing that is in the way is, like always, the money... why not that good?
  9. fine, how 'bout you? I gonna buy a new car in '09!
  10. Fall Out Boy - 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
  11. hellyes!^^ :hyper: but we need more dancers! who wants to dance with us? Franny?^^
  12. thx, but it seems impossible... you aren't able even to buy it on ebay! that really sucks...
  13. It's a little bit older... it's 'Up to You' by Damone
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