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Everything posted by Domenica

  1. okay well it isnt just marijuana he does coke smokes meth he's the sweetest guy ever ahdgkajdg and yeah i know it isnt bad and i hate drugs as well but its his personality. and omg um april, do NOT go for this guy. coke, met, uh at 14? they're should be basic standards for guys, and those are not allowed. lmao.
  2. Well in that case, how in the hell is Hellogoodbye on par with boybands and Britney Spears?! They're definitely not a manufactured artist made soley for monetary gain.
  3. ^ YAAAA! that's why i'll always love AAR :] they don't need to compromise their opinions to make others happy. absolutely love it. i was in the audience with my dear stephler too <3
  4. ^ http://www.aarfans.com/videos/live/2006/cdusainterview.html
  5. blah! i'm afraid i'll get fired, like i think he expects me to DO MORE now. even though he's like I KNOW COLLEGE IS PRIORITY. i'm like YEAH it is. and i told him i'd go to UCI (which is where i live), which means i'd continue to work here. but i dont wanna. lmao. i'd so transfer to a different college just so i can get a different job. blah! omfg what happened to jarrod my love? HAHAHA have you surrendered him to ren? hahah. awww you nukka that's a way to a girl's heart, serenading you on aim with aar lyrics. too cute.
  6. i personally don't think it's a good thing for me :[ i'll have so much pressure to do harder stuff. blah! i don't like that pressure. i want to be able to go to work and feel like i'm not really THINKING. i'm so used to being low on the totem pole and doing easy easy easy stuff and now i might have to move up. ugh, this is not a promotion i like... even though i will get paid a helluva lot more than i do now. i just want to focus on school and continue doing easy non-thinking work. the kind of work i can do while sleeping. haha. okay, nukka pm me what you wanna say mmk :]
  7. OMFG my boss just asked if i could come full time and get my insurance license because he's gonna fire one of my coworkers. OMFG.
  8. ew i just posted on the toastboards. i want to take it back sdhfskdhf. i never realized how aggravated i get whenever i look at the toastboards. i want to reply to every damn annoying post. then i say to myself THIS is why you left. sdjhfskd.
  9. uh wanna burn it on a cd for me and give it to me on saturday?
  10. fyi, "pop" means popular music. hellogoodbye isn't really popular music. it bugs me when people mistake happy/fun music with pop music. anyways, i love hellogoodbye. the last time i saw them forrest was just walking around with his gf. too cute. now that chris profeta has gotten quite good looking.....
  11. ^ tdfksjdkljfksdf thanks steph! i'm gonna update the site and release this weekend woot. i'm doing the gallery tonight.
  12. Yep, I saw them with you and they are not good live. Lmao lipsyching ain't live anyways, but I think they're fake nice and overall fake people. AAR definitely gave them a run for their money during the interview portion, psh girls gotsta know that not everything said will be nice.
  13. ^ LMAO steph. ahh i can't get over how toothy kim is either. i never realized it. she's so gorgeous though. aww her and ty they're definitely a match made in heave fersure. i'm so gonna watch that show on fuse when it comes out. should i order some butter shirts?
  14. http://www.clipsemanagement.com/clip.htm ^ i want to meet her so badddd. actually i have met her 3 times. but gosh darn it i want to take a picture with her or somethinggggg.
  16. i would never use it against you. ha ha ha. i hope you like my siggy.
  17. hahah wait what. i make you bi? whoa there girlie. ha ha ha.
  18. hahaa funniest aar vid ^ haha clickee. hahaha omg i love this.
  19. lmaooooo oh chyeahhh. dude this is borderline stalkermuch. oh wait it totally is stalker much.
  20. ^ jacks was already on one tree hill last season. maybe it's a rerun? WHO CURRS! JACKS MANNEQUIN IS THE SHIT! you know i'll be watching!
  21. ^ hahah you best be. it shall be classic.
  22. ^ hate is a very strong word.
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