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Everything posted by walktheline

  1. I'm not that into her music but YAY ESTONIA!
  2. I confess I love Bettina's sig and also that I haven't hung out here for ages. SO what's up?
  3. Aw så söt! Det är så skönt att höra. Finska är ett hårt språk! Ps oops svenska är inte mitt modersmål men jag tycker det här är förståeligt (: Ahah no idea why but this one made me laugh!
  4. I confess that I looooooooooove Mikael Granlund and Teemu Lassila! ♥
  5. After a long time search I found this topic! Suomi on uusi maailmanmestari HEI maailmanmestari HEI maailmanmestari HEI!!♥
  6. ^WOOHOO, JEDWARD, YES!! I liked Blue when I was a kid. But. That song... just doesn't work. Too bad
  7. Anyone watched this this year? SO VERY DISAPPOINTED. Germany hosted a great show, I really liked that. BUT MY FAVES WTF. Finland 21st, Estonia 24th, Iceland 20th, Russia 16th, Germany 10th, Ireland 8th??? WHAT'S WRONG WITH EVERYBODY! Well Sweden was an exception but then IT DIDN'T WIN. This sucks. But not as much as Azerbaijan's song. Swedes made it. Yep, Swedes always compose our music and they never get the credit. This suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Well good luck with hosting the ESC next year Azerbaijan.... It'll probably be in a 4x4 square meter hall.... I'm sorry I should get rid of this hatred of mine.
  8. matte b, det är på tisdag! får panik! haha

  9. haha, trots att jag inte gillade "POPULAR" så ville jag att sverige skulle vinna! Vi hade ju en chans i alla fall! Nä, jag bryr mig inte så jättemycket om ESC, men vinnar-låten var väl okej.. haha

    och va? :( aw haha, ja, dom kanske möter sverige i finalen väl? eller spelar dom nu? håller inte så mycket koll på det xD

    och jag mår okej, måste plugga till nationella i mat...

  10. oj, hej! jag har inte varit inne på så länge!! haha du har säkert glömt att du skrev till mig xD men hur är det med dig? <3 :)

  11. Thank you so much for the birthday wish! You're the best. Miss you! <3

  12. Whoa that's awesome! I'm glad you like them
  13. Sorry it took me so long! (and sorry I decided to send a new post instead ) And I'm sorry, I really really tried but I just couldn't edit one of the pics... at least I couldn't make proper avatars with that The pic didn't like me ahaha. Hope they're ok, cause I'm out for the next couple of days! (:
  14. ^Thank you hun ♥ Sure, no problem! I'll make them right away I'll edit them here when I'm done! =)
  15. IT'S GRAPH TIME! A weird looking graph time but still... Here ya go folks! tadaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  16. She looks sooooooooo pretty! Jealous much, yes! Her hair looks perfect! I really really really like these pics, thanks for sharing!
  17. I know I'm a pain in the ass with all my questions but does anyone have the original of this? EDIT: Does anyone have a better version of this? EDIT 2: Ahah, cleaning up my Hayley folder: //wait i found it!
  19. ^But heeeey AT LEAST it's not a huge festival where you'll drown Well hmm, I hope you get a great place at the venue! I'm still not sure where I'm going but I'm sure that I'm going to see Paramore this summer! o.o
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