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Everything posted by Matty_poo

  1. Matty_poo

    What Up

    um, hi haha how are ya?
  2. yeah besides, bad brains is too cool for you *shuts up and stops starting crap* haha
  3. *hugs meg!* and haha yay squirtel gang!
  4. dude! did he call me a homo? haha
  5. Matty_poo


    haha! you should see the skatepark around here it's 2 rails, a fun box, and a tiny quater pipe.
  6. Matty_poo


    haha yay you're not mad! *huggles* haha well hey if it's ok with you, i'm gonna go and add you now
  7. Matty_poo


    haha hey i just tried to add you on myspace but my sister was still logged on so sorry about that lol
  8. I think we all kind of just accepted it as a joke, if not hmmmm.
  9. haha i couldn't have said it better myself chris
  10. Matty_poo


    welcome to the boards court! It's nice to have you aboard
  11. Don't mention it! it's what I do
  12. haha sorry man, but i'm against you, i do like their music and i also wanna marry her
  13. well misty it's nice to meet you *hugs you*
  14. Ben you just got even cooler
  15. you guys are making a movie? (i know it's a bit off topic so i may make a new topic lol)
  16. pfft all about charmander and welcome to the board! I'm matt
  17. dude, the solo on welcome home, it makes me screech with delight!
  18. yep me and my buddy troy discuss lyrics from EVERYONE, whether or not we like them
  19. welcometo the boards!
  20. I'm hayley williams husband!....oh wait thats me day dreaming again lol i wish
  21. so much so that i don't bother to remember his name.....already forgot it again lol, Audio Karate, Stiff Little, other kung fu bands fear not, it's joe's head we want
  22. haha I'd love to go to agame like that but uhhh yeah....america haha. and yeah i dunno i just think it's awesome because it's international and it's been a game longer than america's been a country!
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