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Everything posted by vikaofpmore

  1. Yeah, me too, and I'm going to buy those leggins. (THEY'RE LIKE 42$!! ;(;( )
  2. Ok... I was in margate once, is it far? ;]
  3. I wish I could sing as well as possible.
  4. I confess I wanna know where are you living.
  5. I think I'll cut my hair as short as hayley has on cat's music in franlin... But I'm not sure yet.. I hate hair growing >.< I need to go to hairdresser more often and I'm slowly becoming a bankrupt. I needed to cut my hair a little cause it was damaged. ;]
  6. Yeah I've got headache right now, when I imagined that to myself But my foots was hurt cause of flip-flops at first, so I think it's agreable
  7. It was colouring shampoo, after I used dyeing in the same shade, but it didn't workout. Now I have different colour under my fringe and accually I barely see the difference. And my hair now seems to be brown when I'm not lightened.I wand something more... red. And I was scared to cut my hair shorter but now I know I'm going to do this cause they're annoying
  8. Yeah, but I can't imagine - can you see anything through them?
  9. Thx ;] I put here some mine pictures before but it was like anybody noticed that
  10. vikaofpmore


    Hi ;} And you know dreams are weird sometimes. My friend was dreaming about my mom was carrying her on her back. And she(friend) asked my mom "isn't that dangerous for you?"(my mom's pregnant) and my mom told her that she can adopt her. Or she was dreaming also about she could be a penguin but she didn't wanted because she could change for only 9 years. lol
  11. I wish *a name of a super-cool guy from my school* likes me.
  12. Says that Hayley is more addicting than any drug. (And is soooo right!)
  13. I don't unterstand that situation. You mean you don't understand me? I don't have Hayley's pics with her natural hair colour. And if you're saying that you don't undertand what you wrote, so, that's cool. xD
  14. I confess I should be reading a book my polish teacher told me to read.
  15. I wish I didn't mislead those two threads.
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