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Everything posted by EddieDean

  1. Lol weekends are great, all I do is sleep, eat or go on the PC, cba to go out these days, It's been alright, not much has happened yet though wuu2 then?
  2. Hi Joan I'm Dan I only joined yesterday so that would explain it I'm not too bad how are you?
  3. Gonna go have a bath added you as a friend btw ida XD
  4. Met a few people on here so far, each as awesome as the last You all talk so much more than other band forums they just ignore new people haha
  5. Woo I play guitar only got 3 strings though local music shop closed so i gotta go to some one that i don't know to get more.
  6. wow nearly 30,000 for you ! that's an achievement.
  7. Ah so you're only an hour ahead was worried when i joined that everyone would be in bed when i was on.. Happens on some things like this.
  8. Just on here really, gonna have a bath soon. You?
  9. No lol it's 3:30 I just went to bed really late haha
  10. Just woke up lol, so just came on here and listening to music
  11. I'm okay XD only joined yesterday haha, love it so far, so addictive how you doin?
  12. Morning... I guess I need to start going to bed earlier
  13. Listening to Katy Perry and drinking fanta fruit twist
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