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Everything posted by Anavi

  1. No actually , any new band photo will do
  2. Thanks PM me when you have something cute
  3. i confess that receiving a business call at 10:39 PM is not normal. Who da hell calls this late? And all that to learn that disaster happened at work....
  4. Betty I am in need for a proper sig Will you be so kind and make me one I
  5. Just red The Autobiography of Jack The Ripper
  6. Heeey Kayla Yes Thanks I confess now I'm back and nobody is online
  7. I confess I haven't been around here for 3? years.
  8. I think that most of the people who use to visit this boards just cant seem to find the time myself included. And there isn't much new going around so that is probably one of the reasons.But i miss this.
  9. is that a weird kid from about a boy? wow he is all grown up
  10. read it! Do i get something for that?
  11. All i know is that people who never heard of them before are commenting on what happened ... We'll see how it will turn up to be.
  12. there is no better commercial as bad publicity. More people hear about bad stuff then the god ones. I believe that someone who never heard about Paramore will know about them now so it won't end up bad for them.
  13. I wasn't trying to insult you. I just pointed how different views we have. @Kayla sure we are
  14. I can't believe that we have almost the same opinion about most of the stuff regarding this topic
  15. I got it like lol i can't believe that i am actually have to confirm what i wrote LOL+eyes roll guess you got it different way
  16. I haven't been around much lately so where can i read those parasecrets?
  17. It was an awkward situation. Explaining that something you wrote is really something you wrote. What could he do. Also not even trying to start the fight with someone,Harry as I said I will bite my tongue first...
  18. Hahahha yes It seems to me that you are a bit contradictory in what you are trying to say.First you say it is ok for people to have different opinions and then it seems like only opinion you will accept is the one that is saying god things about current situation. or am I wrong?
  19. I was about to say something and then i bite my tongue(read moved my fingers from keyboard.)It is not worth it.
  20. So i basically wanted to quote every single one of Kayla's and Erin's posts just to say girls you said what i meant to. And to add I cant believe that people are still trying to pin Josh bitterness to his and Hayley's post relationship status.... I mean c'mon people spend so much time in relationship with other people just to realize that in the end that person is not as half as good as they thought it is. So i don't see the reason why mention this, it was 3years ago, do you really think he holds his feelings about that 3years after.... Stop turning everything that was going around into post breakup stuff cause it obviously isn't. And i knew it was way much into this than "nah they just decided to quit the band" yes one more thing,i have to say i much more appreciate Josh and Zac after this video confirmation,idk why.
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