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Everything posted by captain.obvious

  1. I confess I have to bail as our landlord is showing our apartment soon lol laters
  2. I think we're on the same page about this but I doubt anything will really change about it as our opinions are far from the norm around these parts haha.
  3. I'm not saying people weren't getting offended, its unfortunate that it had to happen. All I'm saying is its a matter of freedom of speech, don't worry about it in 5 minutes nobody will care anymore anyway.
  4. Thats awesome, theyre such great little instruments
  5. Yeah, she looks different a lot, her face is kind of weird sometimes, thats def true
  6. hahahahaha oh man I need to go watch these now "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A BIRD?!?!?!?!?!"
  7. Thats pretty legit though, guitar instrumentals can be pretty epic. And I too can't sing for shit lol
  9. I don't really write my own songs, I just write bits and pieces of songs and cool riffs and solos, I never usually put it together into something "formal"
  10. hahahahah I know man, I lol so hard everytime I watch videos of him edit: my post no longer makes sense in context that you changed yours haha
  11. All I've been playing lately is Brand New, and my own shit
  12. I've had similar discussions with people. We decided that shes so hot that you can't even compare her to somebody else. Saying you think shes the hottest person ever is so boring and pointless, its like those douchebags who say that their favorite car is some Ferrari, its just so like, played out. Like lambo doors, so played out even lambos dont have them.
  13. Haha stairway is so fucking fun though. I go through phases with what I play on guitar, every once in a while I say fuck my electric guitars and go back to playing acoustic too.
  14. Yeah, thats true. I guess youre always refining though, eventually it just becomes muscle memory though, thats how a lot of complex guitar parts are for me. I have no idea what im doing when i play the stairway to heaven solo but I can do it.
  15. Well it depends I guess, all of Taylor's parts you could master in a week. Josh's might take you a little longer, but honestly when I tried to learn paramore songs I could learn the lead part in prob an hour or so. I wouldn't say I was the master of my domain at it, but I could play it fairly well. The only song thats really the least bit difficult is let the flames begin, but once you learn it its actually really fun.
  16. You guys have the exact same furniture as some of the dorms where I go haha
  17. They really aren't the most difficult songs in the world to play lol. Honestly in a week you could be a master of their entire catalogue well enough to tour with them.
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