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Everything posted by BornForThis410

  1. Ellie is slowly acquiring a three piece suit when you look through the photos from tonight in order hahaha @Ellierae_

  2. Can see a lot of people being absolutely mortal tonight...


  4. Wish I was going to Radio One's Big Weekend on Sunday.

  5. My favourite characters are going to be the three main ones in the new series of Skins. Cannot wait for this. http://t.co/6zisRUfYiA

  6. Let em spill their guts cause one day they're gonna slip on em

  7. Mum just set an air horn off in the middle of Tiger in Livi because I was "doing it wrong" then apologised to the whole shop. Dying hahahaha

  8. You'd think I'd be more comfortable in cottons but I'd much rather be wearing jeans.

  9. Really would like to go to bed too

  10. Only just catching on to what's happened in London and why everyone's been arguing. Holy shit.

  11. Really want the convenience of being able to drive. It'd make parts of life so much simpler.

  12. Avril Lavigne needs to stop

  13. RT @ItsJennaMarbles: The uglier the snapchat, the closer the friendship.

  14. Hazard perception is quite entertaining

  15. I get paid on Thursday, EMA should go in on Friday and then Claire's party is on Saturday. Going to want to die so much on Sunday morning.

  16. Might end all chance of a social life in the process though

  17. RT @X__Bex: What will I do with my life all summer hahahaha

  18. NEED to see Gatsby soon

  19. My school education is officially over after this exam today.

  20. Gone into complete denial about English revision.

  21. RT @Ellierae_: @facem3lt HOPE THE TEXT QUESTIONS ARE GOOD.

  22. Feels like Saturday again

  23. RT @_vickypollard_: #eurovision_2013 i hope bonnie tyler doesn't take this too badly, every now and then she falls apart

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