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Status Updates posted by BornForThis410

  1. @Caitlin_Grimley There's wee random blue blobs on the map and when you click on them it takes you to anything someo… https://t.co/pk3BgkPjgS

  2. @CameronMcK1995 @kylieLheyman Hahahahaha yes

  3. @CameronMcK1995 Back on Friday night

  4. @CameronMcK1995 U ken it

  5. @ChloeGunn2 Happy bday cuz! Have a good one x

  6. @cockam0use Hahah yeah might be an experience for her, hopefully she likes it!

  7. @cockam0use It keeps changing back and forth now it’s hurting my eyes

  8. @danigardiner_x just wait til she's wailing in the diary room every 10 mins

  9. @danigardiner_x Paprika were basically the only flavour of crisps that existed in the netherlands, after 5 months I… https://t.co/LmcStbDgxN

  10. @EbbaJagberg I was hoping they might get them! Right now we’ve just got the plastic ones hidden and only give them out if people ask

  11. @EbbaJagberg Keeping a note of this for next time I’m in the shops✅

  12. @edmondmahony @laurenevemay trying to drive home a point about gun laws more than anything to do with prayer/religion.

  13. @Ellierae_ @CameronMcK1995 Guess I won’t be spending all my #spon mulla on you guys

  14. @Ellierae_ @SilentRuins Utter maddness. The fact they haven't even covered up the woman, they've just replaced her with a beach ball

  15. @EthanCPatrick Aye slughorn disguised as a couch is probs the best bit of the film tbh

  16. @Hai_Hannah hahaha I liked that film but whole-heartedly approve of its new title that's amazing

  17. @heathermccamley @amy__middleton All those chickens and she's still no had a hit since 212

  18. @heathermccamley She’s such nuisance man

  19. @heathermccamley the most cooncil drink in existence

  20. @hqtrivia can’t get into the game at all tonight https://t.co/O8rRe6F5dE

  21. @JenniCarty @ohhayitsemma Hahaha should have done Logan, you’d have loads to talk about now

  22. @kayleighjanexo Visual representation of me n u at the carvery when ur back https://t.co/TMOTJ9wf7E

  23. @Kelzeymc It’s on amazon prime if that’s any help!

  24. @kimjongjman Here I wouldn't be surprised at this point in time

  25. @kohlgrrl Season 4, but idk if that's mainly cause I had that one on DVD as a kid and watched it to death

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