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Status Updates posted by BornForThis410

  1. @mollymckayx @mairiamacleod Canny see it cause of private

  2. #TheSexRobotsAreComing is absolutely wild what the fuck is going on

  3. Not so classy now are we Edinburgh? https://t.co/JhBYMH67GC

  4. @Caitlin_Grimley all it's causing me is stress right now :(

  5. Drowning in uni responsibilities but finally seeing @ThisIsPVRIS live tonight after like 4 years so who cares

  6. RT @BealeornoBeale: Close the door am out https://t.co/85H4AGFBbw

  7. RT @ConnorA42: Life comes at you fast, bonus edition... https://t.co/hkUGXTbrKy

  8. I’ve waited years for this shit. https://t.co/VN9hSlY3k8

  9. Still getting email offers from Dutch Dominos a year on from study abroad reminding me how much of a rip off the UK is

  10. Canny believe some wee witch of a bouncer threw us out of Firewater last night for being TOO LOUD?? In a nightclub?? You don’t say.

  11. So ready for this actual TV highlight of the year https://t.co/Nrf4eDv5fF

  12. @heathermccamley She’s such nuisance man

  13. Going to see Blondie on Tuesday and it's fair to say I'm absolutely buzzin out ma tits

  14. @mollymckayx https://t.co/2mQhL3Z5Ry

  15. RT @DaftLimmy: #280characters https://t.co/rQB2b63z9c

  16. RT @_AM63__: Mind that time Edinburgh got a shoutout fae Abba?? Me either fuckin shut it roasters

  17. @edmondmahony @laurenevemay trying to drive home a point about gun laws more than anything to do with prayer/religion.

  18. RT @BeffernieBlack: Maybe if the news hadn’t taken the piss out of media studies for a generation this wouldn’t be happening. https://t.co/…

  19. Trying to structure my dissertation and realising I don't have a clue what I'm doing

  20. Me trying to get through the scare mazes at Alton Towers last month https://t.co/4liGoIhHog

  21. After binging ST2 yesterday feel this is rather relevant again https://t.co/oFTxNuh7m1

  22. @mollymckayx I’ll riot if that turns out to be a twist and he’s a bad guy

  23. Watched Dorothy from Oz get tackled to the ground and arrested for trying to smack a policeman last night. Glasgow Halloween, u r a treat.

  24. This has been such a shit show of a month and I really need it over with

  25. Living in such close proximity to a Greggs for the majority of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year must be working wonders for my cholesterol

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