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Status Updates posted by BornForThis410

  1. Regret not paying more attention to Amy Winehouse's music until she'd died, she's actually really good.

  2. Yes, Bridesmaids is on Anytime.

  3. Stephanie Meyer got halfway through the book to the point where the kid was born, Bella was a vampire and nothing else could happen.

  4. Greyhound. Oh my god.

  5. Not too bothered about Blink, more jealous of everyone who got to see Twin Atlantic supporting tonight.

  6. They always use way more attractive people in the reconstructions on these documentaries than the real folk.

  7. Anyone know the situation for what the 6th years are meant to wear tomorrow?

  8. The solstice was yesterday. That means we're actually on our way back towards winter now. I'd quite like summer first if I'm honest.

  9. "I think I was just sick in my mouth" - @zoe_elisabeth. Highlight of my morning, ahaha.

  10. I'm just that interesting...

  11. Want a new lens for my camera but they're so expensive.

  12. Sarah Tait's fucking doo lally

  13. I don't get how I managed to get to 10,000 posts on Tumblr before 10,000 tweets on Twitter...

  14. Wish Warped tour came to the UK. If I ever go to America I'm timing it so I can go to it.

  15. Must look right daft me strolling round Tesco with my mum but I've nothing else to do on a Saturday.

  16. My battery's going to die damnit

  17. Just sayin since it really annoys me and I see it on here waaay too often.

  18. Suddenly really tired but I don't want to go to sleep.

  19. Trust Swedish House Mafia to split literally days after I start listening to them and realise I love them.

  20. So weird hearing Keira Knightley with an American accent, I'm used to her sounding so posh.

  21. Who actually uses that blue 'Compose a new tweet' box?

  22. Anytime I hear Video Games I can't help but think of the Lama lyrics.

  23. NEED to see Rihanna live!

  24. There is something I see in you, it might kill me but I want it to be true.

  25. The '50 Shades of Shit' Twitter - oh Christ I'm dying, it's disgusting but hilarious.

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