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Posts posted by Harry

  1. Eh. I guess Avril has a mix of both casual fans and haters among the Paramore community. :unsure:


    She's a fairly competent live singer from what I've seen in live performances on youtube, and some of the acoustic performances are fairly listenable for me.

    Wouldn't go out and buy her stuff though and in general any really bubblegum pop type stuff from any artist makes me want to drive a nail through someone's jugular

  2. See in all honesty, when was the last time MTV did anything on TV about music. Everytime i switch it on it's Jackass, Dirty Sanchez or some American show about Hulk Hogan's daughter.



    All it does is fill the minds of young teens with the lowest common denominator pop-culture garbage.

    I fucking HATE Jackass. Really don't understand why anyone over the age of 14 likes that shit.

  3. *Puts up flame shield*


    This shit wouldn't exist if people were intelligent enough to just boycott MTV entirely.

    MTV is just something that's degenerated into another notch of the USA's proud history of epic failures.

    Western society would be far better off without its existence.


    Yeah, fucking come at me.

  4. holy. fucking. shit.

    "only once" ? like you expect it to occur more than once, or like, ever ? dude. i'm clearly doing the whole daughter thing wrong.



    over a thousand bucks?! whhaaat?! thats not even close to what my parents spend on me. i don't realy mind though but dang.



    I'm 22 now, so nope, not ever expecting it again, unless I said "Here, spend 1000 bucks for one Christmas and that's the last time I ever get a Christmas present" and it wouldn't really bother me.

    Again, as I said, it was a half price guitar, for a combined bday-Christmas present, that I did make use of almost every day and was a guitar I absolutely loved to death, yet I'll see parents spend triple that on a yearly basis on their kids on a present they don't appreciate and will probably not even use a month later.

    I did see on Facebook some chick talking about how she got a new laptop for Christmas, and then her next two facebook posts were just her whinging about typical teenage shit.

    Wanted to post a comment telling her to shut the fuck up, and just be happy that she got a fudging laptop for Christmas, spoilt little bitch

    I got 100 bucks off my parents and for the last few years have got the same amount, give or take a little, and I'm not complaining.


    i must be doing it right :shifty:


    That's because you're a spoilt bitch who constantly sucks up to your parents





































































    Nah just kidding, you know I :wub: you

  5. Anyway, having read back over the last few pages that happened while I was asleep, I still find it interesting to see the "If the situation was really like that, why didn't the just leave?" type comments.

    Seems kinda like black and white thinking to me.

    A good majority of you aren't musicians, and I think unless you are one, it's really hard to understand the full extent of the feelings, and just the up and downs that come along with being one.

    Why didn't they leave earlier? It's like any kind of relationship really.

    You stick around for the ride because you enjoy a majority of what happens, even though there are always compromises that must be made.

    That majority could only be 51 per cent, but it's still a majority none the less.

    Once the balance tips towards 51 per cent of it not being enjoyable, that's when you start to really ask yourself "What's the point?". Obviously it seems like that balance was probably more like 80 per cent cons (stressful situation, lack of enjoyment etc) and 20 per cent pros (income, not having to work a day job etc)

  6. I hate Christmas to be honest. Thanks to the Americans, we get a ridiculous Hallmark Holiday.

    Only once have my parents spent over one thousand bucks on me (my bday-Christmas are kinda around the same period, so I just asked for a combined thing), but to be fair I didn't make them bust their balls on something ultra expensive, and instead got me a guitar for half price.

    Still kinda expensive, but at least it was a gift I loved using and wasn't some throwaway, disposable crap some people give to each other.

    I'll probably get a few hundred bucks from my parents, and don't expect anymore than that.

    Guess I'll just put that money towards a power rack which is one of these ;




    They're designed to catch the barbell when you're working out so you don't drop the damn thing on your neck, or when you need to bail on other exercises, it wont drop on the floor.

    Got stuck once underneath the barbell while working out at home (the bench press of course, probably my least favorite weight training exercise) and while I managed to get the weight off of my chest, I think I'd rather avoid that situation again and the possibility of being hospitalized/killed lul.

  7. One year and you can party it up like no tomorrow legally while rocking out to some Nashville country rawk.


    The period 20 to 21 was an insane 12 months as far as being able to understand more about the world around me, the general nature of things and just this crazy period of maturing and growing up more in one year than I had in the last 5 years prior combined.

  8. No, it's definitely not just a girl thing, but anyway, here's a post I hope people will read and may learn some interesting stuff in the process.


    There are the ripped, ectomorph (an ectomorph being someone with s small bone structure, naturally skinny) types that need to eat quite large amounts of food to put on any weight at all.

    To use an example you'd probably all know, think Taylor Lautner. People with this body type are genetically geared towards being superior for endurance sports (stuff like marathons), but they are not naturally muscular and strong.

    When the time comes for them to want to put on muscle, provided they eat A LOT (do to their rather fast metabolism), they are quite lucky because they don't have to worry about putting on much fat in the bulking process and they can also gain muscle somewhat easily. More examples are Brad Pitt and body builder Frank Zane.


    There is the mesomorph. Google the names Mariusz Pudzianowski, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler and Usain Bolt for prime examples.

    Naturally very muscular and their high levels of explosive strength mean they are also the guys that excel at sports like sprinting.

    Not so great at endurance sports though.


    Then there is the endomorph. The woman you see that weighs 400 pounds at the age of 20 struggling to get her ass in the car because she's out of breath to get to the nearest MacDonalds or Burger...........yep, that's the endomorph all right.

    However, this kind of body can be well suited for some sports (Olympic lifting, power lifting)


    Now, you gotta know that not everyone is just one of these 3 extremes, it's not that simple.

    All sorts of stuff in between these 3.

    I myself happen to have the "Skinny-fat" physique. I'm 100 per cent certain some of you girls on this forum are also skinny-fatsters too.

    Don't take any offense to this, it's just a description.

    Small bone structure (in my case, 6.5 inch wrists), but I take off my shirt and then people lol at me or say "Are you pregnant or something dude?" because I have a gut.

    People have also told me there isn't much wrong with my body, but before I started working out, I really really hated it. My body has never been a barrier to plenty of girls having liked me, but personally, I just really hated it before I started working out. Thin, weak as piss and a gut, ughh.

    Even now, I still don't really like it heaps, but it's better than what it was.

    This is about as shitty as it gets. People with this body type are more likely to suffer from anxiety problems because our endocrine systems run into overdrive and can produce cortisol (the "stress" hormone) too easily.

    I know Kayla has anxiety disorder, so maybe you have that body type Kayla, I don't know. I also have suffered from anxiety problems for a great deal of my life, and it really surprised me to learn a few weeks ago that my genetics played a larger role in it than I believed.

    I hate it, because I can get stressed out over little things most people just forget about and move on from about 0.1 of a second later.


    I know I have naturally mediocre physical genetics. I could never ever compete in the Olypmic games no matter how hard I train.

    But I don't let it discourage me, and I've been working on changing my physique.

    I can post a bit more later, but I'll leave this here to let it sink in and hopefully now some of you girls now have a bit more knowledge and may be able to set yourselves more realistic expectations with what you can achieve in regards to physique change and not be so hard on yourselves.

  9. Epic thread, actually the most interesting one I've seen in months here. Thanks for posting this.

    I'm a member of the Andy Sneap forum (if you're unaware, very well known producer/mix engineer/tracking engineer/mastering engineer in the heavy metal realm, so basically a bunch of metal fans interested in production hang around there) and Gearslutz.com (which is indeed, another audio production based forum board), so it's safe to say this is quite relevant to my interests :mrgreen: I'm not a pro audio engineering or anything, just a hobby of mine and I tend to be into hobbies that suit a somewhat obsessive, fairly introverted person like myself haha.


    If anything, a click track (which is what that "BIG LOUD ANNOYING BEEPING METRONOME" is actually called) probably makes it easier to know where you're at, because everything is completely consistent this way. Playing songs over and over and over again helps a lot too obviously.

    I wish more bands would use click tracks live, I much prefer the songs being in the same tempo as the studio versions.

    Even just slightly speeding songs up can play havoc with the performances. Perhaps not as much in this genre of music, but I listen to a lot of metal, and an example that comes to mind is the "Live at Budokan" DVD by Dream Theater.

    Mike Portnoy speeds up the song by seemingly 10bpm more than the studio version, and because of this John Petrucci plays the solo quite sloppily at some points, because the solo is already insanely difficult at the studio version, let alone having your manic drummer speed it up. The band has never played with click tracks as far as I'm aware, which is strange given the type of music they play and how technically demanding it is.

    Anyway, I digress.


    Zac is definitely a great drummer. Fantastic technique and tight timing.

    Judging from the guitar parts being played, I'd be pretty certain that's Josh. That 3 string arpeggio thing is a dead giveaway.

    Always a bit weird hearing that muffled thump of the kick drum. So used to hearing a mid scooped, attack-y type kick haha.

  10. Just saw this thread.

    She couldn't look in the mirror and think "Hang on a minute, perhaps this looks a tad, just a tad......okay, extremely embarrassing?".

    I cannot fathom how anyone could go out into public with that makeup on, seriously. Looks fucking horrible.


    And oh *puts up flameshield*

    I don't think Emma Watson is THAT good looking to be honest.



  11. Not sure where this puts me (in the minority/majority), but I'm just generally not a big fan anymore of the distinctive external appearance thing anymore.

    I think it's cool for stuff like dress up parties, or if you're in a band, and need to look the part on stage (like being in a metal band, wearing a lot of black maybe, or in a punk band, so with the skate shoes, jeans and stuff, or whatever), but the older I get, the more it just strikes me as silly to go about every day life looking like.......well, just weird.

    Yeah, I used to always wear heavy metal band t shirts, always used to wear crazy, old worn out jeans, but I just got older, grew out of it, matured and now just dress really conservatively and much nicer than I used (except when I go skateboarding occasionally, I wear old crappy clothes because I don't want to ruin my good clothes).

    I think it's just easier to dress and look 'normal'. I've found that way, people don't look at me weird, people in the street don't harass me and don't seem repulsed by me like they do to my friends who chose to look externally different because of the way they dress/makeup/piercings etc. As such, I don't have any piercings, have never changed my hair color and don't really wear clothes that make people instantly think I belong to a sub culture (like pop punk, metal, goth, indie etc).

    Even though I really love rock music, and of course, metal, a lot of times if someone just saw me in the street, it wouldn't be obvious.

    I think there's something really awesome about that, because instead of it being blatantly obvious, it kinda keeps you guessing about what the person could be like

    I've always found it interesting, that usually, the most interesting and deep people I meet are those who don't dress and look distinctive at all.

    If you want to really stand out from the pack, just read a lot, learn a lot, develop an understanding of the world around you.

    Learn about stuff bigger and more important than yourself, like arts, science, history, whatever really.

    In a way, I think it's kind of a cheap way to make yourself seem more interesting.


    And really, if you are truly worried about what people will think if you do it, why put yourself through the stress of doing it and then having to worry? Your post has made it clear you care about what others think and how they'll perceive you and there is nothing wrong with that, it's human, and it's normal.

    Some people say "I don't care what others think", but it's bullshit, because there isn't a person in the world who doesn't care what others think at least to some extent. In fact, the people that go ON AND ON about not caring about what others think, I've found are always the people that care what others think to an unhealthy and obsessive degree.

    I care about what others think of me to some extent. Is it a bad thing? No. It's just being realistic and truthful to myself.


    Sorry if that was a bit long winded, but food for thought, from the perspective of a male who's almost 22 years old and been through the whole teenage thing.

  12. Uuugghh. This is getting so frustrated.

    My boyfriend is being totally cute, honest & everything when we are together.

    But we aren't together, he isn't the same.

    he isn't thinking about my feelings, and just says what ever he wants even if it hurts me.

    And if I ask why he is being like this? He never gives me a normal answer.

    Only that I always search a problem and need to take as it is.

    He just doesnt fucking understand that he makes me confused.

    Im now at this point, that I don't want to be with him anymore, but I also can't live without him.


    Get out of it now, run and don't look back. It's not easy to let go, but for your sanity in the long term, it will be more than worth it.

    Judging just from that small bit you've told us about him alone, he reeks of having some kind/s of personality disorder/s and a manipulative nature.

    It's just not normal to turn on the cute, honest and funny thing on, and then just switch it off as one pleases and then turn into a callous asshole.

    People like this

    These are not things that rear their ugly heads immediately in a relationship unfortunately, but when they do, it's something that will take it's toll on both parties. Better they deal with that alone, then bring the both of you down.

    I've had the fantastic luck of only ever having been in relationships where the girl has not had their head screwed on right and those past experiences have made me learn that a partner like that,severe emotional/personality problems and never bother to do anything about it, are just not worth the hassle.

    I'm curious............does he ever sometimes see things in a completely black and white nature?

    What I mean by that, let's say, good and evil, completely contrasting things.

    So let's say, you do something nice, he thinks you're really great, a fantastic person or when you do something he doesn't like, he hates you, thinks you're evil, a bad person etc, and nothing in between.

    Is he like that sometimes?




    hehe what do you want to know?


    Well I've been talking to him for a little over a month now. I just never wanted to jinx it so I hardly mentioned it. but yeah haha hes so funny and cute. we've basically been together for a while now but today he actually asked me out lol. I was completely caught off guard. I was not expecting that at all.


    Yeah, but every guy a girl goes out with/girl a guy goes out with is "Funny and cute" :razz:

    Every girl I've been with has told me I'm funny, cute and caring lol.


    Congrats though, it's good news for sure :D

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