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Confession Thread - Part 9


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It sounds like its overheating. Google how to solve that problem. I forget exactly what you have to do but my friend fixed his. You basically pop it open, which opening it for the first time is difficult cuz its still a virgin and held together tight. But once you get it open you need to take out the disk drive, the white fan cover, and unscrew the motherboard from the metal box its resting in. Once you do that and flip it over you will find 4 little ICs that when they get too hot they auto redlight your xbox (thats the main cause of redlighting). So to fix it you need double sided tape and pencil eracer, you tape the eracer to the IC and somehow it works lol. My friend did it and his has worked for a while. You can try googling for a more elaborate explanation. It is also probably wicked dirty inside, so opening it and cleaning out all the dust inside helps a lot with heat too.


I'll give that a try for sure, thanks bro.

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