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Firstly, I HATE the people on the NBC forums. No one is saying anything nice about the show. They all hated it. HOW COULD YOU HATE THIS SHOW?! The way I look at it, no one likes to think. They want the whole flippin' story to be laid out from the start and all secrets to be given away in the first episode. Who likes a show that tells you the ending before it starts? I don't. These people need to chill. I can't believe so many people hated the finale. It was AMAZING. I hate when viewers don't want to use their f*cking minds. </end rant>


And now for the spoilers...




Sucks to be Joe, but I laughed when he woke up in the hotel again. That's like the....3rd time this summer he had to restart? haha, everything is so routine to him now.


But I thought the whole hotel ending, and the 2 separate locations for the rest of the group and Joe was interesting. I REALLY hope there is a new season that shows what happens next.


Also seeing Mark with Joe in the hotel now is definitely interesting. I wonder what happened to his girlfriend, though? She wasn't in the hotel, was she?


And the return of Tori! I kinda saw this coming, since she was basically fronting for the Program since the beginning.


I liked episode 12. I thought the way they escaped was very interesting, and fooled me, that's for sure!


But I'm a little confused about Janet's mother. She obviously had a deal with the Program, but what about that guy in the trench coat? Did he know she had ties to the Program? Because he obviously let Janet get kidnapped again but was it by mistake?


So many questions, but I felt this ending was very satisfying. I also loved the music in the end. It gave the twists at the end a great feel to them.



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^If what you say is true, then how did Lost become one of the most popular TV shows of all time ? Because that sure as hell made zero sense, but the fanbase for it was huuuuuuuge !


Anyway, finale. Well. I don't know. I think i would have liked it more if i was sure there'd be a second season... But i'm 98% sure there won't be, you know, it was a legit flop from start to finish... Now don't get me wrong, i loved it, i would love there to be a second/third/fourth/millionth season but the ratings were so damn poor and the network wrapped it up so quickly - one online episode followed by two hour finisher ? They couldn't wait to get rid of it, clearly. So damn, really, but nevermind. It was good while it lasted.


One thing though...


how did blackham know charlotte's name? now there's a twist i really can't deal with not knowing, the rest makes sense-ish...


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^If what you say is true, then how did Lost become one of the most popular TV shows of all time ? Because that sure as hell made zero sense, but the fanbase for it was huuuuuuuge !


Anyway, finale. Well. I don't know. I think i would have liked it more if i was sure there'd be a second season... But i'm 98% sure there won't be, you know, it was a legit flop from start to finish... Now don't get me wrong, i loved it, i would love there to be a second/third/fourth/millionth season but the ratings were so damn poor and the network wrapped it up so quickly - one online episode followed by two hour finisher ? They couldn't wait to get rid of it, clearly. So damn, really, but nevermind. It was good while it lasted.


One thing though...


how did blackham know charlotte's name? now there's a twist i really can't deal with not knowing, the rest makes sense-ish...



In response to the spoiler:




I think it is part of the story they wanted to flesh out in season 2...but it looks unlikely that will happen :(



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