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Everything posted by thebrowncoat

  1. I know you can buy like iTunes gift cards - and I don't think you need a credit card to set up an account - I think you just download the iTunes software and use your email address and stuff. You should let me gift it to you - I want to see if this works
  2. Ok, here's the deal. It's Christmas time and I'm feeling like giving some gifts to my fellow Paramore fans ...plus, everyone should get to hear this song. It rules. So, if you give me your email address, I can gift you the sampler - I'll pay for it and you then get to download it for free - all you should have to do is get iTunes and it'll be there for you to download I don't think you even need to have an iTunes account - it'll just send you an email telling you I've given you the gift and you can then go download it I can't do this for an infinite number of people, but I'll do it for as many of the regulars on here as I can afford Send me a private message on here or email me at thebrowncoat at gmail dot com if you want it
  3. Even if someone did post it, you wouldn't be able to play it unless they figured out a way to break the iTunes encryption. FairPlay (Apple's digital rights management program) will only let you play the song on 5 different computers max.
  4. Ahhh!!! Must get it as soon as I get home!!!
  5. LOL. Another person calling me browncat instead of browncoat. We've been having this discussion over on The Person Above You thread in the Off Topic forum
  6. So, you've probably posted this somewhere before, but how do you know the band so well? I'm really curious...
  7. I think that would be cool - we could send her a box of gifts, cards, etc. But, we'd have to get an address to send it to...we'd want to make sure it got to her...
  8. Yep. It looks this way. They posted on their myspace that they're not touring now in December. I put it up as another post... I'm sad, even though none of the shows were anywhere near me...
  9. They just posted this on their MySpace as a bulletin: we are really sorry. and really sad. Body: hey guys unfortunately we have no good news this time. it looks like the Funeral For A Friend tour with Hopesfall, AStatic Lullaby and Lovehatehero is off due to an illness Ryan (from FFAF) caught while out in the UK. We are extremely sorry about this. We were so excited about going out with all these guys because they are all incredible people and amazingly talented bands. Hopefully, one day we'll get another chance to share the stage with them. Again, we are really sorry to all of you that made plans to come out and see one of the shows. A huge apology from us to all the Buffalo kids that missed the show last month and were planning on coming out to the Icon. Sorry that we won't see you guys again, you've always been great. Thanks to every single one of you for all your support. We love you! GET WELL SOON RYAN, WE LOVE YOU TOO!! PARAMORE And they posted this as a blog entry: sorry a thousand times. Current mood: hjdkalfeafAHHH! hey guys well the Funeral For A Friend tour was cancelled. a lot of you guys are asking if we are going to play a couple of the dates anyway but, unfortunately, we aren't able to. we are incredibly sorry about this. we were so excited about this tour and excited to be back up in the North again to see all you guys who were planning on coming out. but no worries... we'll be back sometime in the near future. we posted a more detailed bulletin about all this, so if there's anything else you wanna know check it out or write us. Thanks for all your unbelievable support. We are so grateful for you guys. sorry again, PARAMORE
  10. My guess is that Ticketmaster hasn't updated yet, but who knows? The best place for info is probably at each individual venue's website.
  11. Wow - thanks for the info. I hope Ryan is ok. I wonder what this means for the majority of the shows...and Paramore's involvement in them. We may not get to deliver our birthday gifts (or, for some of us, see Paramore again) after all...
  12. I noticed the 12/7 show in D.C. was cancelled due to illness...does this apply to a bunch of the Funeral for a Friend shows? If so, does this mean no Paramore shows in December?
  13. Can you imagine one day seeing a Paramore show where they're the headliner - where all the fans are there to see them? We'll all be sitting here going "remember when we hung out with them after that little show back in 2005?"
  14. Did they say this seriously or were they just joking around?
  15. Hayley lost her voice? Well, now we know why they're taking a couple of weeks off...sounds like she needs it... Great pictures!
  16. Oh, very cool. That's the one I wanted. I still like this video a bit better than the one for Pressure...I love all the candid and live performance footage...
  17. Wear a Paramore shirt and see if you can find the band outside the venue. They're not hard to find - the other 3 bands have buses, they're in a van And if they see you, they'll come talk to you
  18. Welcome to the boards - and if you do that, we'll all love you forever
  19. Yeah, not the most articulate sentiment in the world, although there's definitely no denying that Hayley is very attractive. Still, it's the music that matters most, which I'm not thinking the guy who made this video is quite grasping...ahh well.
  20. Here's another place you can download it courtesy of one of the people on the paramoremusic LJ board... http://www.livejournal.com/community/paramoremusic/75082.html And if you download it from here, you can watch it as many times as you want
  21. Yay for 300 members. This forum rocks. As for the first video - "Who wouldn't want to be that microphone?" Ugh.
  22. Those are awesome - I wish I had somewhere to hang them I don't think the place I work would be too thrilled though
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