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Everything posted by laurenlikewoah

  1. that's so sick! hahaha I just killed pressure lol
  2. YOU MET THEM?!?!?!??!?!?!? I'm so incredibly jealous. Styrofoam plates is def. amazing. I still can't get over the fact that you met ben gibbard. If he were a girl I'd want to be him when I grew up.
  3. I know, It's going to suck when I get home from camp and everyone I tried to get to listen to them didn't is obsessed with them because they're "in".
  4. yes, pretty much that sums it up
  5. omg imogen heap....is amazing
  6. That and you can play these songs with chords are mine
  7. oooo I kow I like joined the street team, so how do I get the stuff? because I'm going to be like living on the beach this summer so I can say I'll give them to random beach people and vandalize and stick stikers everywhere HECK YES
  8. I'm pretty much in love with them. No lie, them and paramore are all I listen like ever. I couldn't find any other death cab topics, and I was sad....
  9. yeah I saw them at gilette it kicked ass mhm they're good but I like older better
  10. screaming because it's amazing and I've seen both, like kristina, because I was with her both times, haha
  11. paramore tee, cargo capris thingys, my hairs a mess
  12. paramore/rocket summer/daphne loves derby/bradtson. It kicked ass.
  13. hmm. From first to last? The crows are coming...maybe? anyway Sometimes we all feel stupid, we say the wrong things. You're not the only one. Sometimes we all get left behind in a race of style--it's a dumb thing.
  14. My dad does, he say's that it's like the music he listened to when he was a kid so like 5739586 years ago but anyway it's cool
  15. Definitley soprano. You can't those notes with that tone without being a soprano. Or she's just really really blessed and has like 8 octaves or something. haha I have like 3.
  16. mae, relient k, FM static, soo many others I think that paramore is like subliminally christian band, I mean, Oh star has some pretty spriritual lyrics if you read them closley, and a lot of their other songs too, I've noticed.
  17. Um, hey? I'm Lauren. YAY I've seen paramore twice, met most of them, and can't wait to go back. I'm pretty much a major groupie. And you know you love it.
  18. Um, hey? I'm Lauren. YAY I've seen paramore twice, met most of them, and can't wait to go back. I'm pretty much a major groupie. And you know you love it.
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