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Everything posted by Itsgettingcloser

  1. LoL I saw this last night on the Daily Show about Guantanamo and makes a great point. 4:00 in is where it gets good. http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=216571&title=guantanamo-baywatch-the-final Saw this in the new this morning as well: Congressman intros bill requiring cameraphones to "click" for pics "Face to face with the worst economic crisis to face the nation in decades, our leaders are hard at work trying to come to America's aid. The latest legislative salvo? A bill that would require cameraphones to make a sound "audible within a reasonable radius of the phone whenever a photograph is taken with the camera in such phone." Republicans hard at work.
  2. Why are you not providing me with specific examples. There must be some huge connection between Obama and Communism since you seem so adamant about the subject. So please share it. I will respond to your abortion response by citing you to my previous responses because those responses have covered this issue thoroughly. If there are complications during a pregnancy the mother should have the choice between her life or the babies whether its a moral decision on her part or not. Realistically speaking how many mothers do you think are gonna wait until they are 8 months pregnant then decide to get an abortion? Your running down a slippery slope with the abortion issue put on some breaks and use your head. Would if some trauma is inflicted on the pregnant mother during her pregnancy, whether it be a car accident, a fall, a wound of some sort that is shown to have significantly and severely hurt her unborn child or even killed her child in her womb. There are certain instances when an abortion is necessary, to make it illegal is a step backwards in freedom of choice.
  3. Are people really getting hung up on this abortion issue. Really....It's common sense. "Few people favor abortion. But sometimes women need that kind of information and medical attention. Obama is right to make this important change." Guantanamo is not being closed because Obama loves terrorist. The place is being shut down because of widespread criticism and government humiliation about the operation of the facility. Not to mention the affiliation with many of the detainees to terrorists is questionable and whether they even have any reason to be there or not. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ABORTION ISSUE THEY ARE TWO VERY SEPARATE VERY DIFFICULT ISSUES, STOP COMPARING THEM. There are a specific set of reasons for each decision, a thought process of "he doesn't care about our babies but cares about the safety of terrorists" is absurd and you should feel slightly unintelligent for thinking that.
  4. You guys are almost worse than the media, you really need to get some of your facts straight. It blows my mind that you are comparing the way Obama wants to run things to Communism. Completely dumbfounds me, I have no clue where you are getting this comparison from. Do you even know what Communism is? I don't want to have to come back to this so save yourself the embarrassment and stop comparing Obama's policy changes to Communism it just kills any credibility your trying to hold onto and I'm being serious. Now that that is settled. I clearly covered Guantanamo there is nothing else that really needs to be added. There is far too much grey area concerning how to deal possible terrorist detainees, mainly because you don't really know who is in fact working for a terrorist organization. So really there are 2 options Ill explain these 2 options and you can tell me which sounds most reasonable. 1. You hold them prisoner as you would a normal POW. Following the rights of the Geneva Convention. 2. You throw them all in a camp somewhere, whether they are possibly innocent or not and beat them, and torture them. Personally I would rather not risk having our country be responsible for publicized murder (abortion is not publicized murder it is a sometimes essential medical procedure). There are better solutions for dealing with detainees, therefore close the base. Arguing about abortion is tiring so im not gonna do it, give the rights to the woman who are bearing the child is my stance, be angry at their decision to have an abortion. There are certainly good arguments both ways, when it comes down to it, there are certain situations where an abortion is necessary so what do you do then when it is illegal, die I guess.
  5. Yeh that piano sounds a little too similar to Chiodos, the song is in the same key, but that keyboard part will change eventually anyways it was just a rough idea. I'm no piano player.
  6. If both your parents are making more than 75,000 a year you have nothing to worry about. So what about a single mom working full time with 2 kids making only 35,000 a year? Would you classify that as someone who "dont do shit." It is not as cut and dry as you think, not everyone who is poor is a scumbag or a drug addict. Do you work for the CIA? FBI? You personally know the facts about Guantanamo and what goes on there? There is a lot of shady shit going on there. So you have some strong opinions about abortion but when it comes to torture your fine with that? Drilling in Alaska would take a decade before it produced anything, not to mention there is a lot of speculation about exactly how much oil is there anyways and how long it would last. Oil prices are really not that bad at the moment its under $2.00 during a bad time in our economy, that's reasonable. Also the oil problem is more of an infrastructure problem rather than a supply of oil, our refineries are 30 years old.
  7. check out a new song im workin on http://www.upload-mp3.com/pfiles/53865/Unknown%20Artist%20-%2001%20-%20new%20song%20idea2.mp3
  8. I'm hungover as fuck, all you can drink at the bar for 25$ was a mistake.
  9. If your making 75,000 a year 50 extra bucks off your paycheck is not going to make or break you. Arguing about the abortion issue is getting ridiculous not to mention his take on abortion is much more detailed than simply "abortions for all!" As far as an economic stimulus boost, we need to do something. Ideally creating some sort of debit system to force Americans to spend that extra cash instead of putting it into savings. You also can't just assume we will be out of a recession no matter what they are forecasting (just look how poorly they forecasted our current economic position). Closing Gitmo was inevitable and ultimately a good decision to do it now and try to save face and restore a positive image for our country. Drilling in Alaska is not the solution not only is it a short term solution but it just delays the inevitable. The only way to achieve a goal of independence from foreign oil is try NEW ideas and new technologies NOW.
  10. Yeh no kidding its really not that on the surface at all.
  11. Yeh well you might wanna read up on that a bit.
  12. As far as Mashups go Girl Talk does some good stuff, http://www.myspace.com/girltalk
  13. Although I admit mine is actually kinda cheesy at parts (I just threw it together in an hour or 2) I find it hard to believe you have never heard a remix of any song you have liked. You must have never heard a good remix before then cause I have heard some amazing shit before.
  14. I didn't use any actual tracks from the original song. So it's more of a cover/remix. It starts out more post-rock sounding in the beginning, I'm considering finishing it in that fashion rather than switching to a more dancy type thing for the chorus.
  15. I started working on a Decode remix this is what it sounds like so far, I dunno if I want to finish it or not though. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/k/kyck-Unknown%20Artist%20-%2001%20-%20decode%20remix.mp3
  16. This is probably one of the best releases of 08, amazing beautiful band. http://www.myspace.com/lydia
  17. Hey could you send me the individual tracks for these songs, I was gonna make a remix of my own but I don't have the studio tracks.
  18. *see every band in the music section of the forums*
  19. He has kind of a weird setup, he uses very large cymbals and at times I think they are too loud live, he seems to use ride cymbals in place of regular crash cymbals. Also I think the Zildjian K custom hybrid ride is better than the one he uses.
  20. What is your price range first of all and what style of music do you play. I personally like these. G&L Anderson
  21. I loved their first cd, lost quite a bit of interest on RIOT but I am interested to see what they do next. With bands like this it seems like people feel obligated to like everything they do even if it really is not that good. Just because you like the band doesn't mean that everything they do is phenomenal. I can admit that some of my favorite bands have come out with stuff that just is not very good and even though I like them I can admit that some of their stuff is just plain bad. I think that's part of being a more well balanced and mature listener of music.
  22. Yes quite a few shows actually and have some coming up.
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