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Everything posted by suckerr4acoustic

  1. yay more questions. could you ask 'em if they really shared the spongebob backpack we gave them..full of candy with ciwwaf? or if josh just lied and kept it for themselves. either way, i hope you guys enjoyed it. have fuuun interviewing them
  2. Hayleyyy your throat must be killing you I'm gonna keep this short cos I'm on my sidekick and it's rly early right now lights toooo briiight. Anyway..I hope/know you'll get better soon and I have so much more respect for you now cos you're still doing the m&g's with everything going on. San francisco will be a good show, I promise.
  3. i uploaded a couple of vids from the show i went to. i have a crapload more but youtube isn't being nice and won't let me upload anything else at the moment which sucks. there are a bunch of ciwwaf and fall out boy vids too, idk if you guys hate them or love them as well. i hope you like them http://www.youtube.com/user/suckerr4acoustic
  4. ahh i was so sad when they didn't play it at the latest paramore show i went to.. san franscisco 5/25. i was hella waiting for them to play it and they didn't. BUT josh did say that hayley's throat hurt, and that song is big on vocals so ..i gues that's a reason why they didn't play it
  5. i was at that show i took some pretty good vids as well..
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