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Everything posted by Lilbit

  1. aww..it doesnt work on my mp3....it says cannot import zip files. Does anyone have the kind where you download it like the pressure one in the audio section? that one worked for me.
  2. Thats gonna be awesome.....well awesome if they say ok. i hope so.
  3. i cant wait until you guys get the ok to post the audio. im in love with this!
  4. Yay! Now i can really listen to then all the time since i always have my ipod with me!
  5. I wish i could listen to this all day.Well,maybe i can. Its so great...All their videos are great of course!
  6. Im just really curious..... Im am an African American(black) and i have some French,Native american and Caucasian(white) in me too,so most people think im mixed. I never realized this until my mom brought this up to me today but She asked me if i liked music that included black people. I told her yea(because it is true). I asked her why and she said that she just wanted to know because it seems like i like rock or as some african american people at my school say "white people music" more than i like rap and she just want to know if i liked anything other than rock. It kind of upset me. I like all kinds of music and yes i do listen to rock or pop-punk more than anything else but that doesnt mean that i dont like rap or what some say "black people music." I know my mom didnt mean anything by it because she is not racist and she too likes band such as the fray(im trying to get her into paramore). but it just made me upset and i had to let it out.I think that anyone can listen to whatever they want. Its a free country.And my mom agrees. Im not trying to start anything but i just wanted your opinions on the matter.
  7. i cant wait! this is gonna be so amazing!
  8. im thinking about trying it,you know so i can stop being shy and take a risk. besides...it sounds like fun! but im still not sure yet.
  9. thats so awesome! im so happy for them and wish them the best! Congrats to them both! they rock!<3
  10. hey thanks you guys! i was talking to my mom and she said the same thing and i guess i would rather be honest than just hurt him more.
  11. haha! thats funny. but anyway, i think Hayley could probrably sing anything that she wanted to sing. im not sure aobut celine though!
  12. I cant remember where but i read that you get to choose the songs that they play acoustically.
  13. yea...i kinda did try to ignore him but he called my house and i hung up on him and my sis was in the room so she told my mom who made me feel bad about it.
  14. ok so this guy likes me and i dont really like him as a boyfriend plus i kind of like someone else and i dont know how to tell this guy that i like someone else without hurting his feelings. I know this thread may be pointless but please help!
  15. i would love to have that magazine but they dont sell it out here in the souf.
  16. My Heart-Paramore (the live version from the mp3 player on the boards) i cant stop!
  17. my heart is a really amazing song. i especially love the way they sound when its live. I saw the london video of it and it was amazing..all of the videos are amazing......Paramore is amazing.
  18. one of my friends were singing beyonce's new single and it got stuck in my head. I dont even know the words to it!
  19. so.....is this defiantely what Paramorefans are going to do for Hayleys b-day or this is just planning?
  20. when you first glance at her, it looks a little bit like Hayley but once you really look at her you can definately see that she looks nothing like Hayley. You can tell especially when you compare the picture to one of Hayleys.
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