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Everything posted by Parawhore815

  1. Awww shame on you! It's always better when it's something YOU made! lol
  2. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so! I'm pretty sure he's getting married to Scout Taylor-Compton aka one of my most favorite people in the world, this spring. At least, that's what they are implying.
  3. I'm not suggesting anything!!! Maybe... you know, Hayley is "single for the first time in a while"!!! LOL I am just teasing you! Sorry James!
  4. I am happy because I think this weekend I am going to go adopt a kitten. I really want a bengal kitten. They are gorgeous cats! Also Thursday should be amazing.
  5. Oh boy, James meeting Hayley on Valentine's Day? Is that really a good idea?
  6. Awww James, that's awful! Do you ever have luck going to see bands? First QOTSA now this!
  7. Everytime I go to post in a randomness thread, it's a compeltely different one. Now it's number 7! Haha, you crazy post whores!!!
  8. I'm normally not one for emo-ish guys but Andy Sixx is also freaking Hot. Just my opinion.
  9. I was sort of wondering the same thing. But really, it doesn't matter, does it?
  10. This thread rules! I can't believe I didn't see it before. Photoshop needed to make a picture great? No way. This works just awesomely.
  11. Best New Artist... wow. Amy Winehouse is more a UK Britney Spears rather than a REAL ARTIST. They only difference is, Britney had good music at one time. Amy Winehouse, never did, doesn't and never will. How is she a best ANYTHING artist at all? If not Paramore, Taylor Swift should have won.
  12. I hope it is before March. I hate tour dates that are released last second and you have no chance to buy tickets.
  13. Well that's just the obvious answer isn't it? I have no idea where though. Me and my dad are supposed to sneak into a cemetery nearby and bury him but I don't want to go.
  14. I hope so because I feel it's completely my fault because I didn't have the money to take him to the vet.
  15. I confess I have never felt so sick about anyone dying before. Both of my grandfathers died. Yes I was upset but I was never really close to either one of them like I am close to my pets. Riku dying is the worst thing that has ever happend to me.
  16. I seriously feel like someone just ripped my insides out. I just came down to my room and found my ferret Riku dead. It's not fair! He wasn't even old enough! I don't even know what I am supposed to do with him now... why does this have to happen to me????!!!!
  17. I forget where I heard it but Josh got the camera for his birthday from his family or something and he brings it everywhere with him. So he can record everything that happens to them. It COULD be for a DVD I don't know. But normally when bands have dvd's made, they have at least a small crew.
  18. lol our opinions are completely different! But hey, no need to start a war over it! Maybe... hehehe. Oh yeah and I forgot about the Texas Chainsaw Messycre. lol That was a reeeeally bad one. Then again, I never liked the original. AH and what about King Kong. That movie was way longer than it needed to be! Every scene dragged on for what seemed like hours.
  19. Movie Remakes cause a large amount of talk in the movie business. Some are great and some are just god awful. I'm one of the people that just seems to love remakes all the time. What about you? What are some of you favorite and least favorite remakes? What movie would you absolutely hate to see remade? My favorite remake is Halloween (2007). I know it is probably one of the most hated movies in a long time but I LOVE IT! Scout Taylor-Compton and Danielle Harris are amazing actresses and Tyler Manes was the best Michael Myers out of all of the movies. My least favorite remake is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Blech. The movie I would hate to see remade is the Breakfast Club. There has been talk about it for sometime. If it DOES happen. I think I might die. Unless Hayley played Molly Ringwald's character. lol
  20. Wowwwww... he was only 28! These celebs are crazy trying to kill themselves.
  21. Maybe??? I'm sure someone agrees with me on this one... The Patriots have had enough winning. I think that NE shouldn't have a team anymore and all of their players should be spread across the rest of the NFL teams.
  22. Tour Wars... wonderful. There's a couple things that must be done for this tour. It's obvious we need to hog up all the tickets before they do and beat the crap out of any JEW fan who thinks they're gonna attempt to hurt anyone in Paramore. At this point I am not just fearing for their lives but even my own if I go! Maybe I just worry too much.
  23. A lot of these categories are too hard to vote for.
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