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Everything posted by Parawhore815

  1. Jeez Steph, you use 7.0? I went from 5 to 7 and decided to downgrade because 7 drove me nuts. lol
  2. People on the boards give you good rep if they think you're cool.
  3. I would too but I just don't know if it's worth it. : /
  4. Yeah it's a private blog. : / Oh well.
  5. Yeah, I don't like that Johnathan dude. Well Steven is here so I am gonna go. I might be back later. Bye, Stephy!
  6. My lip got cut when I yawned a few days ago. I hate when that happens. It just gets dried out and splits.
  7. He said he's sick and now he's trying to come over here. I said sure because we're actually all sick. Heh, germs day!
  8. She IS crazy. Ugh, and Steven just called and said he can't go out tonight because he's sick. This day is getting better and better!
  9. No I don't care about my family either. They are all shitty people. She came in here, threw the drums on the floor and started yelling at me so I kept laughing at her which made her even more angry.
  10. Brent, did you have to pay for it too? I mean, I am pretty sure my membership is up in April, I don't know if I want to waste my money on rejoining.
  11. Obviously I meant for her kids. But still, she's a jackass. This is not the first time she has screwed me over too. Just like when I was on her cell phone account and said I used 700 minutes in a week.
  12. My god my Aunt is SUCH A FREAKING BITCH!!!!! I can't stand her. In September I sold her drums that I payed $300 for for only $200. I gave her a break because she's family. She gave me $100 dollars then took it back the next day because her truck broke down. She hasn't given me any money since but she goes to the Burger King across the street everyday for her kids. She can keep buying fast food and she can't give me FIVE DOLLARS??!???!! So my mom said something to her. She flipped out and now she's bringing the drums back to me. I don't even know if I want them back now because of the way her stupid kids treat stuff. I know this should be in the Rant Thread but I don't care. I'm angry.
  13. Yes I know. It's retarded. I don't care if people drink. Just the way people overdo it just bugs me to no end.
  14. lol I don't hear too much about it. I don't care what age it is though because I'm not involved in all that. Unlike some of my friends and cousins who drink themselves to death like, every weekend so I can't even hang out with them anymore.
  15. lol that's drinking age here is the US. This is a strange place.
  16. Don't be ridiculous! I was just in a conversation already! lol How was your day so far? Well it's like 9 there now right?
  17. How long are these flights you take that you have to eat? And how often do you travel?
  18. Don't fly then. Or just go with the peanuts. They suck too.
  19. My mom said, "So does sticking your fingers down your throat." lol
  20. Oh that's horrible. That happened to me when I was in Dominican Republic. The results were NOT pretty.
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