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Everything posted by breakablethread

  1. ^^ yeah i said that a bit a go but it got deleted cos my post got edited. well i said about the girlfriend thing. i totally picture the girlfriend video but with more "plastics".
  2. theyre both amazing in different ways :] miz biz (yeah im gonna steal it too haha) has more attitude and born for this is more of an anthem i think :] x
  3. i was gonna say precocious. then realised that it was in the supercalifragilisticblahblah song haha x
  4. haha yeah if you kinda stretched it out a bit like suuuuuuuuperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr caaaaaaliiiiiiiiiiii fragilisssssssticcccccccc exxxxpiiiiiiiii aliiiiiii doooooooo cous :] anyone care to write a tune? x
  5. that SO does not rhyme wait. it does i said it in my head and it didnt. but out loud ... it did x
  6. i tried to order the LOVE hoodie and a title tee yesterday, because my aunty lives in the US and my grandmas goiing there next week so she could bring it home for me as shes gonna be there for like 4 weeks :] but it wouldnt take a debit card just a credit card. my mums weird though and i think she'd burn it or something she found out i used to cut after one of my friends told a teacher and school rung her up and told her, and shes been weird about stuff like that ever since. shes strange. ive been over it for like 3 years? but she still gets weird when i wear long sleeves. i think its an amazing cause. x
  7. ^ thats a lovely name :]
  8. haha thankyou for the hellos everyone :] x
  9. yeahh would be silly to go all that way then find out theyre playing like ten minutes from you or something
  10. well theres a topic for you Whos the nicest famous person you've ever smelled haha. actually, thinking about it, Forrest from hellogoodbye had a nice smell to him if i do remember correctly. oh god. im a celeb sniffer.
  11. ill make sure to get a whiff x
  12. haha has somebody been sniffing emily haines? x
  13. ^yup i agree its not even that bad a word
  14. Dunno is Hadouken! are anyones cup of tea? i saw them when they were supported metric and i really like them. ive seen em again since then and they put on a great show. Theyre becoming a bit of an NME overly hyped up band though which is a bit poo :[ and also, check out Deluka. theyre not very big but theyre amazing! electropop with a female singer. Theyre brilliant :] x
  15. empty? yeahhh its cool :] i seriously think she was on drugs when i went watching her. she kinda stood there and every so often shook her head violently from side to side, then crawled up to me and my girlfriend, went "yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" right in her face and then crawled off somewhere. we were like wtf?!! they are pretty awesome though emily haines is playing here soon so i think im gonna go see her :] x
  16. haha i hovered over that part of the post for ages. i couldnt think of the right word. Sultry will do haha. x ive just realised that i say "haha" in like every single post. sometimes twice in one post. evern when its not funny.
  17. yeah i got accused of being emo for listening to the veronicas the other day uh oh.
  18. yes yes yes! when i was reading old kerrangs in college i came across the "songs that changed my life" article, and it was a few days before i went watching paramore so i was like "omg omg omg hayley williams" then everyone was like "jess, youre such a lesbian oh my god you just fancy everyone, why do you only listen to female singer blah blah blah youre such a lesbian". i just think lady singers sound nicer than men singers :] and the fact that Hayley's a beautiful young lady is just an added extra :] x
  19. yeah. kinda like pressure? ^^i added you on myspace btw :] x
  20. exams ... on bank holidays?! surely that should be made ILLEGAL?! x
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