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Everything posted by LikeDays

  1. God, I hope they don't. It's impossible to find something that no one else does that doesn't look completely rediculous... But I found a couple old pairs of jeans that I'm going to dye... They're lighter denim, and I think I'm going to bleach them anyway... So it should work... Haha, I'm cheating
  2. I haven't said this in a while so--Shut it, Susan! hahaha, just kidding... It's annoying me a LITTLE, but I'm paranoid that they're going to get big-headed and killed... FOB style... *paranoid*
  3. OOOOOOOOH HOW DID I FORGET TSUNAMI BOMB!?!? Man, also.. Shiny Toy Guns... Freezepop The Fitness Anarbor Oh, and PS: Check her out... My friend AmeliaBlue... http://www.myspace.com/ameliabluemusic She's basically amazing, just turned 16, won our city talent show, and is competing in Des Moines at the Iowa State Fair in August... Hopefully she wins... Then she's trying out for American Idol this fall What's amazing is--she's never had a voice lesson. AND she plays all the guitar parts, and writes every bit of it herself... Lol--crazy. She's got lots more songs, but she's too lazy to put 'em up, lol...
  4. I dunno, apparently they've gotten a new forum system... I never used to use it before either--but I like it a little better there lately... There's a LOT more activity, and I personally find the people nice (for the most part, not saying anything personal against anyone here)... It's also a lot more laid back there, too.. At least I think so.... But that's just my opinion...
  5. NO?! That's way sweet... You should try to find that highlight reel... Seriously.... And I think it'd be way sweet if they put Paramore songs on Guitar Hero... I heard that they had Emergency on one of them, but I don't think that's right, is it?...
  6. Yeahhhh I went to cornerstone illinois... and it was effing massive... There were like... 7 or 8 bigger stages that I can think of, a main stage, other smaller stages, I don't know HOW many generator stages... But yeah, it's all christian bands... So being non-christian, it was only okay for me.. It was fun, but if I go again, it won't be for the entire week that it lasts--maybe only 2 or 3 days as opposed to 6....
  7. Delete the memebers that have only been on a few times... Whittle away at the ones that are crowding the place.
  8. oooooh nice! Thanks bunches! I like the second one--I'mma use it if you don't mind
  9. Things went forward for a few weeks... Thennnnn things sarted slowing down and now they're at the point they are... I used to not be able to stay off this site, but now it just bores me.... PS: I'm cheating on PF with P.Org... And I'm loving it :hyper: Edit//I think it WAS that loss that caused it though. I mean, not to be harsh, but administration things have been going downhill too... Things are rarely updated anymore... And he was just a regular on the boards anyway, so... yeah, I think that's got a lot to do with it, actually.... That, and when he left, a LOT of other regulars also left... Diego's leaving had a bigger impact than poeple would like to think...
  10. ^^^^^^Ditto times 50..... No one's ever on anymore.
  11. Yeah, that's actually way sweet... Would I be too big of a pain in the ass if I asked one lil' favor of you???????.... Could you add in somewhere full band pictures.. And change it to "paramore" instead of just "Hayley"... If that's too much of a pain, don't worry about it.. And THANKS though--I love it lol
  12. Metallica??? Hahahaha sweet--if they played their old stuff...
  13. I think this could have been done for more than "global warming" ...Actually, it was, wans't it?... But anyway--there are SO many things that poeple don't take into account when talking about global warming.. I don't know, i dont wanna get into it lol It IS cool that they did this though... Very cool...
  14. I WANT POSTERS AND STICKERS!!! There are lots of local shows around here, if those count... I wish poeple would send me stickers and things
  15. I really wish I had better pictures though... Maybe I'll make it a point next time I have a good hair day, lol... I seoriusly love the lady that cut it though... I'm def. going back.
  16. ^OOMMMMMGGGG!!! NO, I DON'T!!! Serously. Eff Iowa. I mean, I lovelovelove it here... But damnit, no bands ever come here, and the selection of clothing is horrible unless you're a prep... Gah. Thanks for the suggestions though, everyone--keep 'em coming lol...
  17. YEAH! KF, TOO! I forgot about them... i don't know how, but I did, lol...
  18. Soooo on the Paramore.org forums... They have this thing called VPlaza... andddd, I gotta say, it's pretty dern spiffy... Like... You earn points to buy things with and stuff... Like, it lets you do things like "buy" changes to the way your name looks, different titles... Give gifts to other members... And you can even Theive points from other users, lol... It's fun... So I think that we should get that on here--things would be a LOT more interesting... It's getting kind of dull around here .... Anyway--it's just a thought!
  19. These Jonas Brothers people must not be too great... I've never heard of them, and it's not great//a hit unless I have..
  20. Hi Brittney! Hahah, I thought you were british from the title, then I saw Maryland on the side lol... Welcome to the boards--I'm Kat
  21. The drama in my high school was 100% less than it was at my junior high... Not bad at all... You just need to know to stay away from the cliquey back-stabbing girls, and you'll be fine. Then again, I had probably the least stereotypical high school ever... Nothing that you see in TVs or movies was true in my school... The Drama kids were the cool kids in my school... The smart kids (nerds basically lol) were the ones with all the friends... The only acception was Football... Oooooh Cedar Falls football... Crazy intense I don't miss any of it but the football lol...
  22. ^Junior high drama... What do you expect? I'm so glad I'm out of high school, lol...
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