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Everything posted by megazord

  1. Yup. Even if you're not a fan of that specific genre you can't say she's not extremely talented. I don't get why everyone is getting their knickers in such a twist about the Wino. It's pretty immature considering its probably because you're just pissed Paramore didn't win.
  2. Haha, I've let her sympathy act get to me? Thats probably one of the most patronizing things someone has ever said to me. Amy Winehouse gets this "bad" label tagged on her for doing drugs, but tell me, was Kurt Cobain a bad person? Was he not phenomenally talented and amazing at what he did? Amy Winehouse is a huge talent, and I'm saying this without even being really into her music. She has a brilliant voice and makes music thats different from alot of the stereotypical, pointless crap clogging up the industry. The Grammys are not a recognition of people's personal lives, they're a recognition of music, and although Paramore make amazing music (music that deserves to be recognised with awards like this), so does Amy Winehouse. End.
  3. I think Winehouse deserves it. Personal life aside, she's phenomenally talented, she makes good music and she's cleaning herself up now which sets a good example to anyone else in her situation. Obviously I believe Paramore deserved it too but Amy's not an unworthy winner.
  4. can i please make it clear that i don't know a thing about bondage
  5. its a bit deceptive though, not the best colour for a dress like that
  6. well it does! it looks like some sort of kinky ensemble
  7. socks and high heels btw...thats almost like socks and sandals haha!
  8. the dress looks like bondage from the side lmfao
  9. i only saw this still... people who are watching...please tell me the dress is not see through? i'm having a panic attack lmfao.
  10. seriousl now, has everyone not had enough of lostalone already?!
  11. paramore come on at about 19 mins they're also on the show's website, http://www.bbc.co.uk/sound i love how in the interview on the site, the guys are all just looking at hayley like "will she ever stop talking..." rofl.
  12. yeah i've seen it on the tour, i'm not really digging it. i don't like any of the merch anymore hah!
  13. The email with the instructions, although they didn't ask to see it at any of the 3 I've been to, but take it to be safe!
  14. Yeah they only partied in Birmingham because the next show was in the same city. Their tour manager at the moment is apparently a bit of a dickhead and is really strict with them, so thats why they haven't been hanging out much or anything.
  15. You could turn up at the club, but the bands were on the second floor which required a pass, without a pass you could only stay on the bottom floor
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