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Everything posted by Alalicja

  1. I have this: it's not so big as microwave37 posted, but I thought you might be interested anyway ;p
  2. ^ amazing picture! hahaha looks like they had so much fun making this photoshoot. AND isn't it hunter above that pic? omg omg!
  3. ^ I'm not Victoria, but I can tell you that this animation is made out of the end of "Here We Go Again" played acoustically by Josh and Hayley. I'd give you a link but I don't have ebough time to find it for you right now
  4. the last one is freakin' adorable :hyper:
  5. have you read his entry on LJ? sooooo cool even more that he hasn't posted for like a year xD
  6. thank you. Too lazy to figure out that there's also something like google to check SHARPIE XD
  7. thank you. I didn't realise that they are from the same time xD
  8. ^ it is already said that Josh doesn't have a tattoo. It was just sharpie by the way, can anybody explain to me what is SHARPIE? xD
  9. where can I find morep ics from this hm.. event? awesome job everyone btw. Avatars are very very cool
  10. ^ probably and to the topic, she probably wore it while singing "My Hero" in Nashville
  11. geez, thank you so much! the scans are very cool
  12. it's avatar of luca19 I know it's from scans from spinmagazine. Can anyone post link to them here please?
  13. I don't think you guys have ever seen these, haha : I'm not sure if they aren't private. If they are, then I'll certainly remove them. I found them on photobucket
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