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Everything posted by -parawhore-

  1. Hey, you like pop punk bands so shut up! Anthony Green dances around like a majestic bird and gets so into the music. All Together it's like heaven on earth.
  2. Take me with you! They are fucking amazing live!
  3. I confess I want to sleep for the rest of my life.
  4. IT DID! I fucking love him! Haha thank you! :]
  5. So cute everyone!! So I saw circa survive last night... Colin fucking frangicetto and I. Anthony fucking green and I.
  6. thanks! :] thank you! :] / aww so cute faith! :]
  7. thanks! haha thank you! Yes! I love that movie! Thanks! haha thank you! :]
  8. Whoa it's Sam! Thank you! How are you? Haha :]
  9. Hahaha that's kinda scary. I don't even straighten my hair anymore unless it's a special occasion or something cause it's so annoying.
  10. I confess I fucking hate straightening my hair.
  11. It's like grinding on you're dad...not right.
  12. Dear you, why does it seem like you're not interested in talking to me right now? It's annoying. Love, Casey
  13. ME TOO! her personality is even cute! I just want to be her! It's unfair. Hahah
  14. I went to get ice cream and the guy working there who sounded like Seth rogan said he liked my hat! So rad. Haha
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