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arrrrr x matey

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Everything posted by arrrrr x matey

  1. i can't find a pic on my computer and its too dark to take one now, buttttt i got a 2002 tan monte carlo ls (:
  2. catie got me in the mood to take pics,so i figured i might as well post a few. lol (:
  3. dear college professors, my books STILL havent come in the mail, even though we paid extra for overnight shipping. dont get all mad at me in class tomorrow katie
  4. if we live in a conservative part..then what the hell's alabama!? clubs though--woody's, its in philly (:
  5. may 10- an earthquake that measured 6.8 happened at china and was one of the worst earthquakes ever.
  6. obvoiusly or just use that jet pack you always seem to forget about
  7. i confess catie should skip school and come to my houseee
  8. haha i tried! and failed. its cause we suck at english =P
  9. he's cuteish, but thats it. in my opinion. lol. i just hate change and i loved the old cast so much
  10. i do too. the new people=fail. i'm lovin this marathon though!
  11. some possible good news! i was talking to my "uncle" jack, here's the text he sent me: "we lost today in the legislature, but we now have an even more solid case in the NJ supreme cout, who voted 7-0 in our favor over 3 years ago, but left it to the legislature to decide what to call it. when the legislature chose civil unions 3 years ago after the supreme court ruling, the fact that even the most horrible of the republicans testified today that civil unions don't work, makes our case for marriage a slam dunk back in court. we might very well have marriage equality by the end of the year!" he is a strong supporter in this. him and his husband attend every rally and meeting that have been held since forever. jack only missed one b/c of a business trip out of state. so he knows even more stuff he can't tell people. but he said it looks really promising!
  12. wellll new jersey fails at life. yet again. and the marriage equality vote didn't pass. 20-14
  13. i confess i am extremely dissapointed.
  14. i don't feel like quoting everyone but nice pics everyone!<3
  15. wow, surprised this thread hasnt' been posted in since i was last on. tomorrow--marriage equality rally and vote in new jersey!!
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