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Everything posted by Parawhore914

  1. haha, Yeah--That usually doesn't work out. I can speak from knowledge too.
  2. Yeah, I'm sorry 'bout that... Well...You could just pretend that she's someone else and try to forget about her being someone you like? It could just be another person you're trying to become good friends with? ...Sorry, I use acting to solve almost everything...
  3. Hmmm... I'm predicting a live show on a morning news show. Like, 'Today' or 'Good Morning America'...But that's just me. Definately a bigger fan base, there's no question about that. But with more fans comes more bashers so--that's something I'm not looking forward too... Bigger headlining tours. More radio and TV air play. Maybe one or two more singles. And--Something unexpected is going to happen and change them, bigger then this past year even.
  4. ^^ Thank you Kristen, I've always thought that but I was never able to put it in words.
  5. Blue Zip-up sweater and sky blue pajama bottoms with little whales on them :]
  6. Aw, I'm sorry :/ Any chance you could try in talk to her later?
  7. Golden Afternoon--->from Alice Musical I was in
  8. haha. I know! Rice pudding is so addictive! ...I think I'm gonna get some more...
  9. -Went to bed really late. -Watched Gravitation -Surfed the Internet
  10. **Melts into a puddle of mush** I love rice pudding. <---I just had that too.
  11. Ummm...Right now I'm watching this anime called 'Gravitation'.
  12. OOOoooHHH--Which one? haha, sorry, I get carried away with a lot of things early in the morning.
  13. Umm...Does the washer in the backround count? Dance, Dnace by Fall Out Boy
  14. haha, 'Kay. I think I'm gonna get a new screen name though, I haven't been on in ages[[and I forgot my password and what email I had it sent to >.<]]...So, once I do that, I'll tell you guys ;D
  15. Umm...At the moment, no, but if you could wait maybe...seven hours so I could sleep? But I'm sure by then someone will have already helped you so...I mean, if you could wait a while I have a bunch but--I'm sure some other people can help you if I can't. They probably have better/more pics then me anyway.
  16. Everyone here is amazing, honestly :] Here's moi, I was bored today... **And yes, that is my bathroom...**
  17. haha. Maybe I'll get on one of these days and talk to some of y'all.
  18. haha. OK. I think, after taking this picture, this is the barest part of my room...**Sorry I couldn't zoom in any farther, I didn't have my digital so I had to use my phone**
  19. Yours is interesting, not everything has to be detailed to be special
  20. No they don't--that's basically what I have with the addition of the two posters I got. But I'll take a picture
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