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Everything posted by TYLER!

  1. I just saw this, damn is she beautiful:mrgreen:
  2. Found a thing about paramore on the WMMR website. http://www.wmmr.com/includes/news_items/news_items_more.php?section_id=4&id=1351
  3. the foos were amazing though, thats one good thing for the night:mrgreen:
  4. I'm mostly pissed cause Amy is such a crack whore, she really doesn't deserve this at all. I knew it was kinda a longshot for Paramore, but common, AMY!?
  5. thanks all. We chose our name cause we were going to play a few songs at a coffee shop in about 2 minutes, and we didn't have a name, so we just started throwing stuff out there, and i was sitting down at a table, and i just said, "Hey how about The Tabletops?," and we both liked it, so it stuck.
  6. We just posted new songs. Check it out if ya want. http://www.myspace.com/thetabletopsmusic
  7. TYLER!

    The Panics

    Hey, everyone should check out this band from Australia, They're called the Panics, and they're a great Indie rock band. Check 'em out. http://www.myspace.com/thepanicsmusic
  8. Thats cool that he actually posts in the forum.
  9. Yeah, i got bored with them too. I'm with Plus 44 now:mrgreen:
  10. I voted too. paramore's winning by pretty much, but people should still vote
  11. The only thing that got me mad was that the one JEW fan said that they hope Hayley falls off the bus and gets runover. I don't care how much you hate a band, thats just horrible:mad:
  12. thanks, we're using Garage band on a mac, so we don't really have the technology to make it sound good with electric stuff yet. Eventually:mrgreen:
  13. Stranger things have happened in my pants
  14. using some aussie terms i see.
  15. Thats awesome that she wore it.
  16. Hi, my band, The Tabletops just put up some acoustic songs on our myspace. Take a listen. http://www.myspace.com/thetabletopsmusic
  17. Does that mean they are making more than 1500, or they are putting like half up before 2008, and half after?
  18. Two pictures i found from last night off of the MTV website. Hayley's so cute:mrgreen:
  19. I'm not good at tabbing, (is that correct, tabbing?) but its not that hard, i figured it out, it just sounds really cool. If you watch the video of him with your guitar in hand, you might be able to figure it out.
  20. Happy Birthday Hayley!!!!!:mrgreen::hyper:
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