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Everything posted by justSMILE♥

  1. i was in it 0.o heee hee. i wish it was real. =/
  2. she said not to waste money on sometign they are just going to throw away =/. i still want to do it. ill do it with my friendds one ngiht hahah
  3. bahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. ohh yes hahah
  4. i am jealous of all of you! i want/ need to meet them. bad.
  5. my mom wont let me send paramore shirts =[
  6. me neither WE ARE GOING 2 HR EARLY =]
  7. what the heck is your problem? she was just saying just because you dont like it doesnt mean you have to bash it, and dont tell me you arent because that is what you are doing. maybe the lyrics to her mean something? ever think of that? maybe it makes her feel better. and helping upcoming generations? telling people what music to like is helping upcoming generations? oh sure. why not help by turning off your lights when you leave a room. gobal warming is out there and i think you should focus on that instead of bugging a little girl about what music she likes! and just to tell you we know it takes more then one listen to be addicted to a song. and i dont appreciate every freaking song that they put on the radio, like you may think i do. i am not like that. and you are just being a jerk to this point.
  8. the new tai tv roxs my mismatched socks =]
  9. another poem Just a childish girl wishing For things that wont come true But she keeps wishing For things to dream to She smiles as she walks Because she thinks her dream is there She laughs as she talks Because she believes a laugh is to share She doesn’t care She doesn’t mind When people don’t play fair One day she will shine She is just like the star above She isn’t so big at this time Be soon she will be most loved She will shine she will shine =/
  10. then he will say in a monotone voice hi iam ryan hahah
  11. my friends brother loves paramore. and i am sure many many guys love paramore btw i am courtney WELCOME =]
  12. excuse me? i would have listened to you if you didnt come off so rude. or posted more relevent. this is just rude. i am sorry.
  13. you could have done that without attacking a band we obviously like.
  14. Musicians that you can tell are putting pure passion into the music instead of putting eyeliner on. but thats what you said. or am i mistaken? you implied that they were mostly looks. and i am sry if you didnt mean that but that is what i got.
  15. excuse me? i dont believe i like them because of there looks. their music helped me get thourgh alot. thanks
  16. OMG RYAN LOOKS LIKE A HIPPIEE! brendon has a sexy bracelet and jon just owns
  17. interviewer: whats ur name? zac:hi i am overweight. few minutes later interviewer: so ur overwieght? zac:what? i didnt think i was that fat. i mean i could lose a few pounds. do you wan t me to call up jenny craig? bahahah or sometyhng like that zac:what did u think? jeremy: i thought i was awsome cuz there was a lot of kids zac.:jeremy thinks its awsome cuz jeremy hs a beard.
  18. for some reson he seems me of a brother/father figure to me haha on the cheek me? haahaa
  19. kerrie i am so jealous of u! thry are totally awsome!
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