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Everything posted by No_Sir!

  1. does anyone know where she got that red tie she wears a lot?
  2. I went to the mall yesterday and right when i walked in to delias pressure was playing and then i was in hollister and crushx3 was! I was very happy. It made my shopping much more enjoyable
  3. dude that is totally rad! its stunning!
  4. the last one is so cute! does anyone know where she got that tie?
  5. oh i'm sorry that must stink. Well if you see any pic on there that no one has posted pm me and i'll get it for you.
  6. well right click the picture. there should be different options come up. click the one that says open in new window. then do what i said before
  7. ok dont upload the picture. Just right click it and go to a new window. You will see this. as you see there is the size on there just delete that and put the size you want there.
  8. dude,i've been wondering the same thing
  9. wow Hayley looks great!! um who is that with her?
  10. you know they kind of remind me of minnie mouse
  11. that is so rad. I would love to have one in my hands right now. And thanks ,Janina, but your sig is way better than mine.
  12. those were nice. And I love all the pics in them.
  13. since its going both ways. Is it the Jan or the Feb issue?
  14. you know i kinda have to agree with you. I think maybe it was the dress and/or the hair. But, you can still tell she is Hayley though
  15. what makes it even crazier is that it was at the walmart in hernando,MS.
  16. yep I was shocked! And then they had to make the longest announcements you have ever heard through the song.
  17. Ok I didnt know where to post this. But, I was walking through wal-mart today and all of a sudden I heard "everything has changed" repeated a couple tines until I finally realized it was PARAMORE! I know you can hear them in like rock stores (journeys, hot topic, etc) but wal-mart.I think that is pretty good. I could not contain my joy. I got a few strange looks too for jumping up and down screaming "thats paramore shut up!!"
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