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Everything posted by Funkmon

  1. Thanks a ton! I haven't heard any of their NZ shows!
  2. Thanks a lot for this, mate! I don't have a good enough ratio right now to download it on Dimeadozen, and I've still not figured out how to create .ffp files from my FLACs to upload it. .
  3. I took a bunch of pictures of the Paramore show on the 15th, and realized I didn't share them with you guys. http://funkmon.info/?page_id=311 This is my favourite, probably. Not sure why.
  4. . I feel like I should download these. I'm always looking for new music. How many songs in your library?
  5. Unfortunately, your argument's undermined by the fact that sitting here on PF.com and working on getting a date aren't mutually exclusive. Furthermore, perhaps the single people just got dumped by a significant other and have every right to feel low about themselves. January's the largest month for breakups, and if it spills over into early February, we've got a lot of people mourning losses of love, who, on this day in particular, only want to be with the one they gave their heart to, nobody else. One cannot generalize in such a way as to make all single people who mention they're single on an online forum with a parenthesis and a colon appear as a group of lazy whiners who are too slothful to try to get a date. It's illogical and insensitive. EDIT: Also, Dave couldn't get a date if he paid for one.
  6. Funkmon

    Derren Brown

    Well, if by influences you mean, copies. XD The magic community is a small one, and Randi and Penn and Teller are two of the biggest names it has. And every single thing mentioned in the Wikipedia article Randi has done in the 70s and 80s, and Penn and Teller have done on TV later, almost exactly. But I'm for it. . The more the skeptics get out there, the better! . I love skepticism of this nature. Do you listen to podcasts?
  7. I think more than cheer people up, you've just caused four suicides.
  8. Funkmon

    Derren Brown

    Who? *reads Wikipedia* Whoa! This guy looks pretty cool! . I'd love this guy. Does any of his stuff come on in America or Luxembourg? Do you know? I love his ideals. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like he's too much of a free thinker. He's standing on the shoulders of Randi and Penn and Teller. :\ OMG DID YOU KNOW HE'S GAY?
  9. Funkmon

    Hello :].

    Don't talk to Dave34. Welcome!
  10. ^^ Your signature is mesmerizing I have a date with an oooooooooooooold ex girlfriend. .
  11. Bahaha. I don't have a license right now because I missed a court date. I got a speeding ticket, moved to Luxembourg, and apparently while there's no warrant for my arrest, they've rescinded my license until March. I know from my parents. It really sucks because I'll be going back home to Luxembourg soon and I can't drive my motorcycle or car at all. D: I feel for Hayley. Cute picture, though.
  12. Is anyone here going? I'm taking pictures and videos...We should meet up!
  13. Thank GOD they haven't made it in America. Thank GOD. I know Tokio Hotel as a band that infamously wants to be cool but just isn't. They've been the punchline of jokes with me and my international friends for a long time. Sometimes I'm glad to speak German, other times I'm not. When Tokio Hotel is brought up, I'm not. But then again, I like Avril Lavigne, and she gets that rap a lot, too. To each his own.
  14. Pants that are too short for me. Superman underwear. Pink shirt that has Mr. Owl on it.
  15. ...No shit? Wow. I'm heading up to Wal Mart later today to go pick up Avril's new album with the DVD. Maybe I'll see it there. If not, there's a Target next to my house. Shouldn't be a problem. Thanks.
  16. I saw it once at Best Buy, for like 16 dollars, and I was O_O. However, at that time I was still in denial that I actually liked this band, so I didn't buy it, but I was thinking about it. Does anyone else know a place where I can physically pick up the album so I don't have to pay shipping? Best Buy no longer has them.
  17. Bah! Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne. I don't even LIKE this song.
  18. I agree...mostly. I'll add to that metal from the 80s, like Van Halen, and Poison, but also guitar virtuosos like Joe Satriani and Paul Gilbert.
  19. Meh. I will be online at night. Infrequently, but I'll be there.
  20. I'm pretty sure that for Christmas, my parents are going to agree to fund this month long road trip I plan to take. If not, they're going to pay for the rest of my motorcycle.
  21. I've got a lot of pictures, but I won't flood you guys with them. I'll do it progressively.
  22. Ha! I smile at everyone. Bah! Stupid cashier job! Better than my last one, though, so we're good. I'm pretty excited for today, because I get to go see Ozzy Osbourne tonight.
  23. I can't tell if it's going to be That's What You Get or Pessimist.
  24. Username: Funkmon, obviously. First name: Tim Age: I'm 18. Gender: Male. How did you come across this amazing fansite that is paramorefans.com? Some people at http://avrilbandaids.com had it in their signatures, so I chose that I'd bother with this site in lieu of paramore.org, because if Bandaiders like it, so might I. How did you come across the amazing band that is Paramore/ how long have you been a fan? I've been a fan for approximately 4 days. My friend Danielle knows how much I like Avril Lavigne, and incorrectly assumed that I like rock music with girl singers. I like classic rock music, and with the exception of Avril, I don't really like any bands formed since the early nineties, and to be honest, I didn't really like Paramore that much when Danielle introduced me to Riot, not even Misery Business. However, I kept seeing pictures of Hayley at Bandaids, and her looks really grew on me (she's soo cute), so I searched a bit for videos of Paramore, and for some reason, it really just grabbed me at that point, and I learned Misery Business and Crushcrushcrush on the guitar pretty quick, and I'm actually starting to like the band. Favorite Paramore song? Here We Go Again or Crushcrushcrush. I imagine this will change soon. Favorite lyric? Once a whore, you're nothing more. Any live show experiences you'd like to share? What, of Paramore? No. Never seen them. The Detroit show is sold out. Interests: I like guitars. Here's mine. I like motorcycles. Here's mine. I like cars. Here's mine. I like tech. Here's mine. I like girls. I don't have one. Other Music: I'm a classic rock fan, like I said, and here are some of my favorite artists. Aerosmith, The Beatles, Bob Seger, Paul Gilbert, Metallica, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Van Halen, among others.
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