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RocknRoll Baby

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Everything posted by RocknRoll Baby

  1. http://www.imgsync.com/data/img/387798hayleyavviepink.JPG LOL. link to my avvie Never knew about this function...
  2. ^^^scary, eh? about the hummer. U can c it too. So I'm not crazy cause u can see it too. A bright red vette? hmmm...maybe.
  3. x-avier it really is a name. I've known 2 ppl with it. (figures i'd get stuck with x, LOL)
  4. I so love his old hair...especially in the pshoot where they were all against the bus. ya. I drew that pic, actually,lol.
  5. thats the one. one of my favs. *doesn't know how they got confuzed*
  6. i think i mistook freak out for another one...which one was the one where they were all in this white room, the guiters were white, the room was white and they started smashing the guitars and all this red...paint? went everywhere. My mind is rusty.
  7. but she would have a lame stereo cause she can sing so well, she would nt need a stereo, lol.
  8. Can I be a para-cousin? I don't have a family yet, LOL. add me.
  9. whats y'alls favourite avril vids anyway? Can't decide between (oh theres so many) don't tell me, freak out, my happy ending and hot.
  10. bullshit. you need to wake up. i mean really. hey y'all! we can call paramore country! Yeah! Paramore is now a country band because I say so! Woot........not. Get a damn life.
  11. ^^^well, why don't you..."freak out and let it go..." surely you know what that's from and its what you need to do. Cept youve done enough freaking out...
  12. ^^^arent they? although my dad says that if i ever buy one of those i might as well get a license plate that says "death trap" because if i ever get into an accident i'll be dead on the spot. haha. he says heaveir cars are better so lets get hayley a hummer....
  13. ok, does any1 have the higher res version of the pic of hayley from misery business....the one where she is kneeling and one arm is in the air...I did a dumb thing. I saved graphic art onto the original file. The small one (that I have) is about 500x750. You can find that anywhere. I need the one that is about 700(or 800)X1000.
  14. Did any1 besides me just think that the way avril looked in the hot video in the tophat and red lips looked extremely awesome? I never would have expected her to look so...amazing. I know I have been very critical of her in the past and even recently, but sometimes I see stuff like that and am reminded again of this girl's potential.
  15. Yeah, agreed. I'm not a hero worshipper type, but with soemone like her, who knows?
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