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Everything posted by YellowBrickRoad

  1. Erica, my friend would be freaking out if she were talking to you. She's Finnish. Her licence cover says TGIF, Thank God Im Finnish.
  2. I want more coffee. Im SO happy Softmores have to take the WASL. Upperclassmen go to school later.
  3. If a guy was stalking me, I wouldn't let him in, even if he was attractive. He could murder me. What would I do then?
  4. That would be a bit scary. If I were being stalked... I'd hide under my bed.... If I could fit.
  5. 1st chapter to my new Story Stop and Stare
  6. Yeah the twilight lexicon announced that lastnight it was official.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V91sQozzFgc&feature=related
  8. *claps* Yay for shower singers.
  9. I really hope one of my friends own Pride and Prejudice. I want to read it again so bad. I wish I owned it.
  10. Why thank you!!! P&P is amazing.
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