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Brick By Boring Brick

Brick By Boring Brick (2/9)



  1. haha makes me laugh everytime.. her reaction is niave i love it... im not saying that in a bad way either.. made my day and i have 4 essays to hand in for school tomorrow.
  2. thank you posters above .. what bloody moron goes on LJ and bashes them? what an idiot. wow pretty good stuff. maybe oneday we will hear it but ill just wait and appreciate what the band have done and are doing for us right now . thanks
  3. i like the new rave writing. haha is this an italian mag??? you know they go with that really bright colours and awesome font, makes our rock mags look dull.
  4. Jeremy in a recent interview talking about a few thing.. one in particular stood out to me.. "I still feel like no one in this world has heard Hayley sing like I have," "Really, she holds back so much. There's like a big Aretha Franklin inside of her that is just powerful, and just crazy, and no one's really heard that side of Hayley." so does this mean hay still has so much more to show... i dont know how she can be any better than she is seen as she is the best, in live shows and records she gives it everything... her vioice is one of the best ive heard. but i cant see her being any better as i feel there is no better so basically i want to hear her "big Aretha Franklin" haha... whats this secret powerhouse shes holding in and when she releases it or if she ever will?? ... throughts?
  5. ive been thinking of "Woah" and " conspiracy" lately... i dont know why, weird things happening around me i guess... so i'm going to put I don't want you to get me through this I don't want to start over again. and Where can I turn 'cause I need something more Surrounded by uncertianty I'm so unsure of..
  6. i know you shouldn't believe everytjhing you read, but when it coems from hyley williams you just got to believe it.. i read in an interview online that she said : she'dnever go solo, too much pressure, she needs the guys, and something about not enjoying it without her guys, and basically shes never wanted to be a solo act, shes always imagined a band" and i think jeremy was saying that: people have tried everything with hayley, movie deals, solo deals and she just doesnt want to do anything that'll take her away from the band or away from the guys"
  7. so good to here from them in these posts.. its really cool that they right to us fans like peopel , like friends. Not like they're better than us,just as equals. what good people (Y) haha i like the huge amounts of writing she writes too.
  8. thats some of the best news in weeks ive heard in days. hopefully i wont have to import from america but i probarably will. wow man. on the MVI Riot cd i have videos from paramore in the uk in 2007, the 2008 uk tour was so much better. anyway PM me when the news of the dvd is out.
  9. this was jsut after the uk tour, i think she got a flu or something, seen as she will a bit ill whilst here in the uk. anyway this is real nice. seems different and more relaxed than the previous videos. and the director is really good saying that they're a band and trying to also give the guys the spot light too.
  10. i liked that. just them doing there thing, she make it look too easy. and even though there isn't any fans watching them, they seem to put everything out there... such as the vocals were spot on as usual, zac smashing it out.. its just really nice to seem them working hard even when no ones really watching them.
  11. for me I'm more into the first album 2all we know is falling" ... even though they had something like 3 weeks to do it i just feel it has more emotion abit more rock than Riot! less mainstream. Riot! is still so good ... but i feel it's too commerically based.... not they're fault. But i still do like it alot. I think misery business has been they're worst song... the media grabbed it straight away and made the seem sell outs!! ...the acoustic is soooo good what ever paramore do next i'll be fine with... but I'm so happy about ZAC's comment about an upcoming album sounds so good... but hopefully they take they're time... maybe not relase for another year or more.. they need a huge break... then release an amazing album. i only wait for paramore... i have patience with them
  12. paramore.org has been moved server... it wont let u go on it anymore
  13. hahah i lke the reply above this one... i agree all of their songs ahve so many meanings... anyione heard their demo songs hello hello halleujah- sounds abit different .. guitar.. bass.. and the vocals a tad. stay away just like me another day breathe adore my number one ???
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