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Everything posted by geekydork

  1. FUCK THIS SHIT, first I'm gonna kick everyone out and then go to bed.
  2. I wish I could still have faith to hold on.
  3. At the moment I'm not happy about anything.
  4. Ja se laulu kertoo masennuksesta, alkoholista heikkoudesta, rakkaudesta alemmuudesta, pelkotilasta tappohalusta, itsemurhasta vihan tunteesta, vihan tunteesta
  5. Christopher, I will if you pay my flights, lmfao. I'll take Dale's posta as a comment as well.
  6. 1. Cried. 2. Smoked a pack of cigarettes. 3. Met a friend.
  7. Here's another one of me. I was posing for a friend's art project.
  8. I confess I suffer from depression and anxiety.
  9. Miks mä oon ainoa suomalainen, joka puhuu täällä ?
  10. I confess I hate the show "Identity".
  11. I confess my mother used to be an alcoholic.
  12. I confess I just want everyone in my appartment to shut up for a while.
  13. When I saw my friend, who was in a fire in the summer. He came to visit us, he finally got out from the hospital.
  14. Mua ottaa niin vitusti kaikki päääääääääähääääääään !!
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