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Everything posted by Shivari

  1. That actually turned out to look really nice at the end.
  2. I think it looks kinda like a squirrel.
  3. http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?k5pshn14ec3g I suck at mouse drawing. And I spelled squeak wrong!
  4. This thread is relevant to my interests.
  5. I was joking, yes. And there are bound to be some idiots who really think that Russia invaded Georgia the state. (They will ignore the fact that South Osettia, the territory that the conflict is over, is on the other side of the fucking planet.) Except the Bigfoot that's right behind you! But don't look cause that'll make him even madder!
  6. It's what Russia has secretly been trying to get in Gerogia for the past week.
  7. Ahh, the "Right click, Paste" for people who don't own a mouse. And yes I copied that after I typed it so that I could paste it here.
  8. When you're having cookies (in this case Oreo's) and milk and when you pull out the cookie, it completely falls off except for the little part you're holding and you lose all that delicious goodness. Just happened to me.
  9. Shivari


    I've kinda already been posting around but I figure I'd make one of these threads anyway. So, hi!
  10. Yeah, I'll admit that at first I *kinda* thought he was funny at one point. That quickly ended though.
  11. It seems he only makes jokes about Mexicans and the mentally disabled. Really funny stuff right there... And I like Subway (and Quizno's), but Jimmy Johns is the best.
  12. Dane Cook and the people that think he is funny. Carlos Mencia and the people that think he is funny.
  13. I hate that too. They also always walk in large groups in the formation of a long line so that you can't get around them.
  14. So what are some things that bother you? One for me is I hate the sound of people chewing. It just annoys me so much. That obviously can be a problem if people around me are loud chewers. And when people talk with food in their mouth? I feel like punching them in the face. Seriously is it so hard to finish chewing and then talk?
  15. Is there anything that owls can't express for us?
  16. Fallen Angel, I was saying that I want both the pictures of Hayley and the cover somewhere in the banner. So maybe make the cover smaller and then blend Hayley in on the side and make it look cool. Or do whatever you want with it. Thanks!
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