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Everything posted by Elbereth

  1. This made me laugh my ass off:rotfl::rotfl: Even though I didn't know the answers to a couple questions:shifty:
  2. Very, very sleepy:uhh: And yes it is almost ten, but dangitt I'm still tired.
  3. I actually need sleep tooooooo.Night Harry:hug:
  4. I ban your face for not having acne. It's a pain in the ass. And I ban Erin for definitely winning the war XD
  5. Night Erin:hug: Oh, and I ban you for thinking of awesome comebacks:p
  6. I came in to work one day and this girl I worked with eyes just about bugged out of her head, because I was wearing mostly black and my I'd dyed my hair dark brown. She say's, "Do you always dress like that?" Give me a break. But yeah, I do work with some normal really cool people
  7. I ban you for banning me for banning you.... I'm dizzy now.
  8. I can relate with this:D But it get old changing yourself to make other people accept you. Now I say strait off. You don't like me? That's 100% your problem:wink:
  9. I triple ban you for needing Sleep. Lolz.
  10. Exactly. I was kind of doing that to myself at one point.:\ But then i was like fuck it, this isn't me. I listen to Gwen Stephani and My Chemical Romance. I like bow headbands, Harry Potter, and Twilight. I hate Hanna Montanna, High School Musical, and seafood. I don't make any sense and it's okay.
  11. I ban you cause that didn't make sense.
  12. Dunno :\ And good for you Harry I've pretty much given up giving a fuck what people think about my likes\dislikes.
  13. typical "scene" girl: -choppy hair -usually black -septum ring -has a myspace with pictures of her from crazy angles with a TUFF face on because shes so hardxcore -goes to local shows all the time -belongs to a livejournal community called "cuntxcore" or "gungunbangbang" or "murderscene". because anything involving guns, or bang, or murder, or glamour, electric, shock, lust, is cool in her book -often says things like "SUP NIGZ" or "KTHXBAI" or "I HATE YOU KDIE" or "IM COOLER THAN YOU K" or "SUP IM RAD" on their myspace profile -loves dinosaurs and robots and little girl bows and headbands because its just the way things are in the scene. dont ask them why all of them happen to find all of these things suddenly attractive, because they dont know themselves, its just what TOTALLY SCENExCORE people do. usually theyre just obnoxious bitches who put on this "scener than thou" attitude and hate everyone else, kthxbai lol. i am so scene, with my dinosaur shirt and my polka dot headband and my short choppy black hair and my cigarettes and my obnoxious attitude <3 kiss my ass kthxbai see you at the hardcore show tomorrow. Ummmmm.....urban dictionary anyone. And bitchez I like bow headbands!
  14. I confess I almost cried during an episode of lost:shifty:
  15. my opinion is. Stereotypes say I'm just like someone else. But I have my own emotions, problems, dreams, ect. So how does dressing alike make us the same?
  16. I ban you for spelling Jersey with a Z. Ha aha.
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