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Everything posted by i_caught_myself

  1. I just see couple at school and i see how they are happy together and they have someone they can love and hug and everything and it just kills me it makesme feel like i'm melting into the floor some how...
  2. i've never really tried. i'm allways too scared someone won't feel the same way a/b me or just in general don't lik me. but if i could, i would atleast try...
  3. maybe your differnt than me but, i thought i would be that way and i'm so lonely it hurts worse than just being with someone. you have company at least that way. friends are good company fo a while, then you just want someone you just atleast pretend you love you know?
  4. yea, i have one of those like once a month lol (srry, i jus need a little joke for the day lol)
  5. those are the worst things in the world:nono:
  6. wis i may - vitamin string quartet tribute to breaking bejamin.... i think i'm one of the very few people who listns to that type of stuff lol
  7. i ave com to the conclusion that i wish it was friday
  8. my life has been so terrible these last couple of weeks. i can't really stand it amymore and, it's made feel so down i don't even talk to me friends hardly anymore. i wish someone would just kill me sometomes:crybad:
  9. WTF?? just b/c someone don't play "metal" or are "satanic" that don't mean they can't have horns. they play rock in general, which is alright for them to do that. just about every band that i've seen pictures of they have stuck up their horns, you know?
  10. false haha used to when i was little likes eyes set to kill
  11. true but from what everyone says even when we breathe we are destroying the world
  12. ^ i've come tot he conclusion that i understand what you guys are saying but then again i don't because your baseically putting yourself down for existing, sort of hypocritical (just my opinion...)
  13. false i haven't watched tv in for ever lol same
  14. true lol is listening to music right now?
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