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Everything posted by mercipour

  1. oh handy looks like you had a bubble.
  2. i got a plastic fork to itch down my cast
  3. + for some reason im doing well on being shallow, altho its shite right now.
  4. im agreeing, being shallow is standard really.
  5. word, being shallow. aye its you son. yeh ginger hair and skirt wearing really gets my loins pumped.
  6. i fell down the stairs trying to hop up them
  7. are you gettin bullied aboot this handy?
  8. didnt do music gcse blud. i play music fo fun, not for schooling, think that takes the fun out of it
  9. just play a massive shred solo, scare them into giving you an A*
  10. jorgi is going to help you? damn sucks to be you. my teacher loved me so much (she was SO fit) and everytime she asked me where my c/wk was i just said, in my boxers, but i got acid on my hands so you will have to get it out for me. she laughed and just said "do your bloody coursework!"
  11. thats what they told me at school. still did it, and it was cool.
  12. dude i handed in every piece of english coursework, 2 weeks before i sat the GCSE exam, dont be sweatin blud.
  13. lahni, i order you to go and get wasted. end of.
  14. aye, when i where a child the scot in me made me a wee ginger kiddy, gone brown now tho.
  15. but then you would become a ginger scot...not cool.
  16. i wish my hair did that, but it looks good.
  17. its been cut? it looks like it where dyed
  18. what where we talkin about like 5 mins ago?
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