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Everything posted by vikaofpmore

  1. OK I know but we mean (and I meant) those people who are carying razor blades as pendents and think that they are "emo" (they call themselves like this either) when they have big hair like members of a j-rock band and they don't know what emo music exactly is. You're absolutely right, my bad I wasn't very specific.
  2. I would to say something but I don't know how. Hm. Here in PL we call emo people who are loving razor blades and they'r crying in the corners. Maybe you wanted to be sarcastic, but how can I understand it? My knowledge of english is too poor to tell it. So correct me. (and I guess I just made another hundred of mistakes)
  3. I confess yesterday I was Hayley and I gave a great concert in Chicago. So I confess I'm freakin weird. Way too weird.
  4. I confess I just was in some club and it sucks
  5. I wish I was Hayley's little sister (and I wish I was really "little" - I'm about 1.78cm )
  6. Hey, like I said it's POLISH magazine. Like for girls who are listening to Tokio Hotel and loves HSM.. At the same number you had an article about Zac Efron's crib and shit like this. They don't know anything about Paramore in Poland. On MTVPoland website they wrote that Hayley Williams is a boy. (They had Paramore's pic next to this words though)
  7. Yeah. So I did the same today. And I'm not 18 yet (until april). We are criminals, it's official now ;]
  8. Yeah right, you know I don't have 1000$ to buy a plane ticket Warsaw-LA
  9. I confess I'm not listening to my mom and I was online all night long today. What, you smoked on gas station? Hmm. Now I'm curious.
  10. Popcorn august 2008 http://images30.fotosik.pl/253/0dbbdab810c779f0.jpg images of the article are uhm missing. But there's nothing we can regret :/ on the cover "Paramore better than Avril" photo in article article: "Macie dość pseudo-emo w wykonaniu Tokio Hotel? A może zamuliła Was coraz bardziej komercyjna Avril Lavigne? Posłuchajcie sensacji roku, czyli punkowej kapeli Paramore, której głosem jest zjawiskowa 19-latka Hayley! Kliknij aby powiększyć obrazek Hayley Williams ma 19 lat, niespełna 160 centymetrów wzrostu, płomienno-rude włosy i wielkie, zielone oczy. No i głos, który pokochały chyba wszystkie zbuntowane nastolatki z USA słuchające ostrego rocka. Szaleństwo, jakie ogarnęło amerykańskie dzieciaki na punkcie niesamowitej Hayley i jej kapeli trudno zrozumieć w naszym kraju, bo u nas znanych jest tylko kilka klipów Paramore. Kto jednak choć raz słyszał ich najnowszy, wielki przebój "That's What You Get" wie, że oto narodziła się grupa, w której muzyce można się zakochać po uszy! Tak jak w samej Hayley! Lekcje śpiewu "Miałam jakieś 13 lat, kiedy moja rodzina postanowiła przenieść się z prowincjonalnego Meridian w Missisipi do Franklin w Tennessee. Gdybym nie spotkała tu kumpli z zespołu, dziś powiedziałabym, że zamieniliśmy jedną dziurę na inną" - śmieje się Hayley, która zaraża wszystkich dookoła swą energią i poczuciem humoru. Ta sympatyczna dziewczyna, która wprost nie może usiedzieć w miejscu, zaraz po przyjeździe do nowego miasta wyprosiła u rodziców kieszonkowe na lekcje śpiewu. "By nie umrzeć z nudów" - dodaje wokalistka, która podczas zajęć z emisji głosu spotkała Jeremy'ego Davisa. Założyli zespół The Factory, w którym grali covery legendarnych, punkowych kapel. Aż w końcu na jednym z lokalnych koncertów spotkali braci Farro. I postano-wili połączyć siły. "Na początku nie byłem zachwycony myślą, by że będziemy mieć dziewczynę w składzie. Ale wystarczyło, że usłyszałem jak Hay śpiewa, z miejsca podbiła mnie swoim talentem!" - wspomina po czterech latach od spotkania Josh Farro, gitarzysta Paramore." "Teraz Rock" February, 08. http://images30.fotosik.pl/152/a19e9f30c55d4187.jpg More earnest than "popcorn" it's about origination of Paramore(God I hate popcorn and bravo). (Title: Seriously We can laugh because Paramore was on tour with their parents. We can tease because they're making their videos in school and and they care about they look excessively. However, even the most malicious must admit - album "Riot!" unites freshness with great music *manufactory*) Sorry for my mistakes but I think you get the point And again - Popcorn or Bravo April, 08. http://images32.fotosik.pl/220/8244ca94a4ae7dd7.jpg AND I HATE IT! "Paramore - new emo-punk star! (Urgh) Hayley Williams, vocalist of american band called Paramore, proves that a girl either can be a leader of an emopunk band. A few years ago she fall in love with music (i've changed it because it's slang thing and I can't translate it), later she has palled up with three guys, who shared her passion. And that;s how Paramore became a band. Now Hayley's nineteen, she has a nomination for Grammy Award, and recorded two great albums with Paramore. You don't believe this band rules? Check out new video "That's What You Get" and convince yourself that we will be hearing about them!" Next to Hayley's pic "I'm not into girlish music. The only one band with female vocalist is my band" (and i'm pretty sure that they've build it up) They're in February Bravo now, but I can't find any skans yet.
  11. Yeah. "I know I'll never trust a single thing you say you knew your lies would divide us, but you lied anyway And all the lies have gou you floating up above us all but what goes up has got to fall"
  12. Ok so, that's me: BUT it's old one, I need my hairdresser to understand me, and I will have different hair colour (now I have something like this: And I want something like this: And they will be shorter.
  13. I think that I would hear her sing a song from other music genre like jazz or something (to hear the capabilities of her voice..
  14. Yeah, you know what Poland sucks. They don't play Paramore in radio here, and on TV either.. I've just seen once a video for Misery Business on MTVPoland but it was like.. 3:00AM? And it was once. They play Paramore only in web radiostations.
  15. What, you don't like Kristen? Hmm..;]
  16. Whoa... I don't know why, I like all these songs BUT I think that Whoa is like... too optimistic? xD I don't know, I'm not emo but when I hear it it sounds like everybudy should wave their hands up and down
  17. I love Christina too. Maybe you've seen it, and if you didn't - YOU SHOULD! - from 1:52 listen to the end.
  18. Yeah, right. I just wanted to write this. THAT'S BECAUSE you're have too much time with your computer (I know, because it concerns me too )
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