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Everything posted by SalsaC

  1. I think I saw an article concerning this on Blabbermouth in like June or something, but Cornell has now confirmed that they are reforming. I don't generally have high expectations for bands reforming and starting to record new music but the thought of a possible Soundgarden-tour is still pretty So, now we have Alice In Chains, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. What next? Courtney Love reveals herself to be Kurt Cobain who's been living undercover ever since his alleged suicide and announces a Nirvana reunion?
  2. Aaand now I don't even know what Aaron Copland is doing in there. Maybe it's because I can't speak English. I don't know why I'm still awake. I'll go and ask what my bed thinks of all of this. poisdghlkjsdfölakdjgd!
  3. If I understood what you just said...by "getting" I obviously meant downloading.
  4. And how many would get the album? You know the answer as well as I do.
  5. Flawless victory! MOAR DEVIN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPNc2IeuW4w
  6. Fuck you and your prejudices Harry, I'll show you how it's done > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guCqVBbh3iQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDcpF4C5cas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F-0jSYtC5Y
  8. If you like Chris Poland's solo stuff, you should check out DCFC. I always deemed the intro weedlies to Peace Sells impossible but now I think it was just due to a faulted tab. I should give it another try now...
  9. I hear it gets pretty hot down there so you of all people should take care of your hydration. I'm blasting a Death Cab For Cutie -song on repeat. It just seems appropriate for some reason.
  10. It does, doesn't it? Learn from the master.
  11. Drink more beer to avoid dehydration.
  12. Trippy how you're already well on the next day while I just came home from the party and then there are people still living in 2009 as well.
  13. Come to think of it...so this is the new year? And I don't feel any different... Probably the clanking of crystal
  14. Tell moar stories now because I can't go to sleep right after a shower.
  16. Ahh fuck you, I was going to have a loong hot shower and go to sleep. ...Maybe I'll just go offline abruptly.
  17. Oh yeah those, I have a few of them inside my computer
  18. Coolers? What are those? I'm double-faking because I'm totally sober right now. Or not right now, I've been sober since September.
  19. Just like I'm faking my sobriety.
  20. It's probably just her slamming the keyboard a bit more violently than usual and not correcting the mistakes to get the "I AM DRUNKZ" message out there.
  21. Fuck yeah, coke from the previous decade.
  22. SalsaC


    That's a pretty damn sneaky move on Nintendo's behalf... Yeah, they weren't exactly the pinnacle of technology back then, but Pokemon's probably the reason why the console didn't die on its first week.
  23. SalsaC


    You mean THE original Game Boy with no colours? Holy oldskool Batman!
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