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Everything posted by SalsaC

  1. I don't mean the string sounds, if that's what you think. There was something totally buried under everything else in my right ear when the piano was coming from the left. Or maybe I'm imagining.
  2. Hey fuck you, I was talking about the piano and the vocals, mainly (and I'm not sure if I heard clean guitar or some synth sound or something in my right ear at some parts). Stuff that would benefit from EQing. I wasn't saying you can fix everything with it, but you COULD improve stuffz. >
  3. I'd hardly even call myself a writer I'm just talking about how I, as a listener, think about lyrics.
  4. Ookay, I know where this is going...I also know where it will end, so we shall stop here and change the subject
  5. I highly approve of that reason. Come sing for the Finnish national radio.
  6. Oh, I should've known you weren't being sincere... I'M CALLING DIBS AGAIN
  7. I can't say no to that yellow 15x15 face.
  8. I remember getting annoyed by how many characters seemed to be total assholes. I think that had something to do with it for me. Sunshine and rainbows motherfuckers.
  9. Yeah, it's all nitpicking in the end, the song itself is quality GTFO I WAS HERE FIRST
  10. It's the only series I even pretend to watch. I don't know when I started to spend more time on the computer than in front of the TV, but meh...buh-bye to every TV series that's come out in the last few years.
  11. Right! Well, not so much then. Why do you share your avatar with Kayla now? Are you guys going for the fusion dance?
  12. That was amazing. Well written, simple, effective, and full of melodies to my liking. Only problem I have is with the way the instruments have been mixed together. They kinda get buried beneath each other. I'm no master when it comes to audio production, but some simple touches of equalization could bring everything forward in the mix without stepping on other instruments' toes, and HOAH, I get itchy just thinking how that gorgeous voice would sound like with some real bite added to it... This is of course coming from me and my own taste in mixing music, but yeh. Still, MOAR.
  13. I have a feeling you're ahead of us on the series. Are you on season 6 or 7 or wat?
  14. Thaat's more like it! BTW, Harry will shit brix when he hears it.
  15. Oh my, that looks like Cerulean City.
  16. Johhny Weissmuller is TARZAN. His pickup-line went "MGAWA NIKTIMBA", though.
  17. That sounds like something Johnny Weissmuller would shout.
  18. Holy fucking undercooked meat and AIDS. Amazing.
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