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Everything posted by EddieDean

  1. Yay! I need a new one, mine's run out of space well, my music is tripple the ipod's capacity it's a 30gb, thought it would last me forever when i got it:P
  2. My mum saw some kid's whole leg get pulled under one.
  3. Lost your ipod? bummmmmmer Couldn't live without music on the go. last.fm isn't working with my ipod yet though gotta get that working
  4. I don't know my dad downloaded the series a few months ago He's asleep though so I can't ask him about it Think it's new-ish
  5. Lab rats. Watching it now... I recommend very very funny
  6. I didn't actually know about last.fm untill I started college, so annoying because I've listened to so much music over the years and gone through so many faces, would be nice to look back on it.
  7. Hey everyone thanks for the greeting XD You all seem really cool
  8. Haha, I hate boats, planes, trains everything like that automated systems even lifts scare the shit outta me sometimes at college if the cover of the fire alarm is lifted it goes off a bit, which makes the lifts jam and go back down, but they wait for a minute first swear to god when it happened to me i nearly had a panic attack
  9. I have a dog she's great You'd love her XD
  10. Hell yeah, beats the hell outta gettin' it yourself. Called 118 once when i was at a party and asked them for a chinese takeaway that deliver, so they gave us the number, we phoned them, i gave them the entire order. Me: the address is.. Them: we don't deliver had a go at 118 over the phone
  11. Black Globe tshirt Blue jeans Peaked beanie
  12. What like screaming crying and running away scared?
  13. I just plain don't like pickles... Disgusting things.
  14. Nothing I'm at my dad's 50 miles away from my music collection :'(
  15. There is actually a phobia of everything. forgot what it's called though
  16. Sorry New guy made a woopsie
  17. I agree It's just plain wierd when guys wear skinnys
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