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Everything posted by batxcore

  1. uhm what are the green little boxes over there <----? i had one, now i have like four? but people with more posts then me have less green boxes. so confused haha
  2. some explain real quick what catmes member of the week is? haha sorry for the n00b question
  3. its a lot better then it was though just reallllly annoying. but thanks guys
  4. That's what you get. I can't stand it and I don't like decode really but I hate twilight.
  5. I wish my jaw would stop hurting. I had surgery on it two months ago and the incision still really hurts.
  6. batxcore


    I'm quite far from scene. My hair isn't cut like a mullet and bright colors don't go near my body. But I'm not Emo either, I love life. Mcr made me feel that. It made me appeiciate everything when I really couldn't find happiness in anything. But whatever if you don't like me because I scare you because a band helped me through life, I do not care. I go on with life. I haven't got this far in life with people all loving me. I'm just leaving it at I had a not so nice teenage years, life is fantastic now and I am sorry if you don't see that. I hope when you go through a depressing time of your life you find a band who did what mcr did to me for you.
  7. batxcore


    i kinda had a depressing life. i had to deal with ALOT of death when i was about 12 & 13, and hearing a band sing about it, was really refreshing. it got me to accept it, which made me who i am today. i finally see that everything has a purpose. maybe their lyrics didnt do it, but it was the mind set they brought me. sorry :/. its just like idk where id be without them. i dont listen to them 24/7 anymore but they will always hold a special place in me.
  8. What dose music mean to you? (why do you listen to music, what dose it do for you?) Music is a way to find something to relate too. I went through a really hard time of my live on february 5 (if youre in pfc, you know what im talking about) and music was the ONLY thing that was able to tell me life is okay. Why are Gig's so important to the fans? It is important so the fans can connect to the bands. Nothing is better in life then hearing a song that changed your life or got you through something, live. Why do you get to the venue so erly and que? I often find it easier to talk to bands before the show, so i go early. and so i can get up front since im very short. What do you feel when your in the building at the gig waiting for the bands to preform? Opening bands suck and they can get a move on with the show In a way the fans that go to sevral gig's you could call it your "Obsession"? not at all. i have seen paramore 11 times, and i dont think its an obsession at all. its what i do? can you describe why you go to so many, can you describe your "Obsession"? i go to so many because i dont do anything else. i am also a photographer so i have to shoot alot of bands. but if i like the music and the band is in town, why would i NOT go?
  9. haha oh yeah. i would die if i could meet gerard. you should give his music a try its real good.
  10. well like who? hahah. aiden ive met because of their shows. but wiL is the only one who remembers me. i talk to him the most. he has an awesome personality. but idk if you know who sonny moore is? he is an awesome singer and he's like the other person who remembers me well. but i meet most most people at shows.
  11. hahaha then i never suggest looking at my myspace . people say im like the luckiest person ever because of all the people ive met. but very few remember me.
  12. hahaha i will. i need to ask him also if he could help me get a photo pass for warped. like idk theyre the only band that kinda knows me? if there was anyone who could help get it, its them. so i might as well ask. it wont hurt to ask .
  13. ill tell him that they need to do a full european tour . hahaha i can just picture wiL being all 'uh wtf? are you moving to europe?'
  14. AHHH JUST FOUND OUT LAST NIGHT, THEYRE PLAYING MY LOCAL VENUE MAY 18. im so stokedddddddddd. then a month later warped like 3 times. ahhh. i love aiden. hahaha
  15. dear self, seriously quit ruining everything you have going for you. rethink what's important to you, NOW 3 me.
  16. well i got told how im like all full of myself or something because im a no doubt fan. sorry i like them haha. and i was hated for awhile because i went in to the twilight thread and said how i hate twilight. it was technically on topic i thought. not everyone loves it and breathes it.
  17. hahahaha ohhhhh that thread. ughhh. hahah nobody really understood i could like no doubt more then paramore. i love paramore but no doubt was my first favorite band. it kinda is. idk how much twilight talk i can handle anymore. every thread gets turned into twilight i think
  18. who are you on there? i feel so lost here haha. everyone needs the same usernames. but in all honesty, i kinda like it here more. i dont feel like im offending everyone or going to offend someone.
  19. i am batxcore on pfc . my icon on there is currently me and wiL of aiden. thanks everyone . quinn is much more appealing then me.
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